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[WIP] True Lichdom - Nexus Thread # 1


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I wouldn't think so. Keep in mind that every person that has ever come into contact has been tricked into either eternal servitude or the lose of their very soul, for that is the only thing that can be used for barganing with them. So what is there to stop them from doing that same thing to you? It's very simple. They cannot take your soul for you are Dragonborn and have the soul of a dragon. It was for this reaon why they could not take Durnehviir's soul and instead was tricked into eternal servitude. With this in mind, my thinking in this is that the Dragon Born would offer himself to serve them eternally, providing to them a steady stream of souls, and in exchange you are given power beyond your wildest dreams and an insatiable thirst for souls (in many ways becoming very similar to the ideal masters themselves only differing in the scale of power). It would be through this thirst that they enslave you to do there biding, cursed to forever gather souls for all eternity. Forever unable to satisfy that insatiable thirst.


I think that this idea is actually very similar to almost that same as the Vampire Lich concept proposed here in the True Lichdom mod, the difference being that it would be more lore based (in my opinion). Then again to do something like this delfofthebla would have to stop production, wait for the release of Dawnguard to the PC, and then have to rework everything that he has already completed for the Vampire Lich (which I think would be unrealistic). So if anything it is just an idea or maybe something I could do (when I finally get my Desktop computer and am able to begin modding) to addon to this mod if it is ever completed. If that doesn't work out, then maybe this could maybe just be some good material for delfofthebla to think about (maybe if he were ever willing to do a second installment of some sort) ;)

Edited by crosbyalexander42
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That is a great idea, but I think it is better reversed. You already become a lich, but you do something for these mysterious 'ideal masters' (maybe give them a foothold in Nirn), and they provide a steady stream of souls for you


I wouldn't think so. Keep in mind that every person that has ever come into contact has been tricked into either eternal servitude or the lose of their very soul, for that is the only thing that can be used for barganing with them. So what is there to stop them from doing that same thing to you? It's very simple. They cannot take your soul for you are Dragonborn and have the soul of a dragon. It was for this reaon why they could not take Durnehviir's soul and instead was tricked into eternal servitude. With this in mind, my thinking in this is that the Dragon Born would offer himself to serve them eternally, providing to them a steady stream of souls, and in exchange you are given power beyond your wildest dreams and an insatiable thirst for souls (in many ways becoming very similar to the ideal masters themselves only differing in the scale of power). It would be through this thirst that they enslave you to do there biding, cursed to forever gather souls for all eternity. Forever unable to satisfy that insatiable thirst.


I think that this idea is actually very similar to almost that same as the Vampire Lich concept proposed here in the True Lichdom mod, the difference being that it would be more lore based (in my opinion). Then again to do something like this delfofthebla would have to stop production, wait for the release of Dawnguard to the PC, and then have to rework everything that he has already completed for the Vampire Lich (which I think would be unrealistic). So if anything it is just an idea or maybe something I could do (when I finally get my Desktop computer and am able to begin modding) to addon to this mod if it is ever completed. If that doesn't work out, then maybe this could maybe just be some good material for delfofthebla to think about (maybe if he were ever willing to do a second installment of some sort) ;)


By the way I accidentally posted this twice. A little new to this. Not sure how to unpost something on this site yet....

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is amazing! Absolutely love the idea and the way you are doing it.


Just a suggestion (I'm not sure it's even possible) I would like to throw out there, and I would like to apologize in advance because what I am going to say is not from Elder Scrolls but I believe it could pertain to this fairly well.


For the Phylactery-bound Liches is it possible to make their phylactery a "personal" item (meaning they could bind their soul to anything that they want be it a weapon, gem, etc.). Reason why I ask is because the liches in the Forgotten Realms (d&d) who have phylacteries can make them anything they want.


Eagerly waiting for the release!

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It's still happening, if you go on his other threads you'll see he explains that Real Life is getting in the way at the moment and a couple guys quit. However he isn't giving up on the mod until it's complete, even if it takes a few years. No worries, just lots of waiting :P
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