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So I'm pretty much new to pc gaming and I just downloaded nexus for mods for skyrim and for the love of God I can't figure this out!!! I believe that I have figured out most of it but whenever I go to download a mod it won't let me do the NNW one and whenever I do the manual one I can't figure out how to get it over to nexus to start downloading a put it onto my game. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated!

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what exactly is the problem? what happens when you try downloading mods with NMM?

and I don't understand the issue with manual downloads . all you have to do is download the mods manually , and add them to NMM (via the big green plus sign on the left of NMM)


but if you are so new to this , you should really stop yourself right now , and go watch a few modding tutorials

if not , I expect we shall hear far more from you , as many new users that don't watch these tutorials have a myriad of issues (that could have been avoided by watching and following said tutorials)

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worked for me

Edited by Discolly
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