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Anyone know how to make Wyre Bash work with MO2?


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I am trying to diagnose a CTD on loading a save on a newly modded set up and am thus trying to set up wyre bash to ease any behind the scenes strain and am not managing to get it to work. It runs fine outside of MO2 but inside MO2 i get File is in Use errors when i try to start it, on the second attempt MO2 straight up crashes. Google tells me this is not an unusual problem but i also find reports of people who have gotten it to work and people who have given "workarounds" to make it work but after spending half the day trying to install python i finally managed it now if i try to run it that way then nothing happens, MO2 does the usual lock out while .exe is running and immediately goes back to normal. Does anyone know how i can get it working?


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