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Skyrim Hoarders


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Does anyone else have a certain item or items in the game that they pointlessly collect just to stack somewhere in their house?


I have a habit of collecting every Troll Skull I can find and adding it to my pile in my Whiterun house.


I can't justify doing it, but it's so fun.

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Funnily, I just made this video...









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I don't have any screen shots but on my darkelf Mage every Circlet I come across goes in my 2nd bedroom in whiterun


My assassin/thief has a trophy from every assassination and every gem I come across fills up a ton of pots kettles buckets any moveable static Ithat can hold items it's funny you walk in to the dawnstar DB sanctuary bedroom and it looks like a vault of gems


My Orc warrior who is pissed at any one not an Orc has a whole room full of human skulls


And my main caracter has those dyno December gyros the ones that glow red all over the solitude house

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I collect books and gems, but that's it really. It'd be good if there was more rare/specific loot for each enemy you can kill, like a trophy that has a very low drop rate.
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