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Slow loading game...sometimes


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Sometimes I'll get a black screen at game load that lasts for 60 to 120 seconds but then game plays fine after it does load. Steam thing? This just started a few days ago. Anyone know why? I'm using SKSE64 but doubt that's involved.

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I have very little in the way of textures & vram should be no problem. GPU is Nvidia GTX 1080. Strange thing is that it only loads like that about half the time, usually after I exit the game and then come back to it later.

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Yes could be save bloat. Check with the resaver tool from Fallrim tools if there are any orphaned scripts or elements (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031).


If cleaning the save didn't help:

Is Skyrim installed on a HDD or SSD? When installed on a HDD, try to defrag the drive.

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I know SKSE64 keeps all saves, auto, quick & reg. so I clear out auto & quick every day or two. I have about 50 hard saves. Game is on a 1TB SSD. I've never noticed it happen on first start up so it must have something to do with coming back to an exited game. I can live with it. I just wondered if anyone else was getting this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I vote save bloat, since the behavior you describe is exactly what happens to me when I have a ton of save-game files. What I do is go into "My Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition" and create a backup folder, then copy any saves beyond a day or two into the new folder. I generally do it by build or character (ie. "Saves_Warrior", "Saves_Thief", "Saves - Thorim Firebeard", etc.) but you can name it however you want. I then go into the normal "Saves" folder, view by Details, sort by "Date Modified", and copy anything not recent into the appropriate backup folder.


Needless to say, Skyrim should be closed while you're doing this. Fallout 4 has the same issue, with an additional symptom being that the intro screen (the power armor in the garage) takes forever to load and start panning around like normal. I'm anal about never overwriting saves, and that's saved my bacon quite a few times. The downside, though, is that save-game files can add up quick and become hundreds of files before I realize it.

Edited by Omegacron
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