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Hello friends, I would like help... Crashes occur when I'm out walking in the map. I already organized the mods with LOOT and created the Bashed Patch. Any help will be welcome.


Load order:



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As far as I know, patches must be on the bottom of your load order. Immersive Sounds above FNIS. Improved eyes way down your load order. Vivid Weathers must be above FNIS as well below Immersive Sounds. All mods related to weapons must be last in your load order and the only mods below, should be patches and mods required by mod authors to be on the bottom of your load order. No snow under the roof should be way up in your load order as well. IcePenguinmap should be also way up. Those mods apply to the entire game and whatever affect the entire game should be up in your load order. Enhanced blood should be way up as well.


I do not think your load order is correct. What mod manager are you using ?


LOOT is a great tool but not perfect. There are a lot of samples about good load orders ( Bethesda, Nexus, etc ). Also, I see on the bottom of your load order, a Bashed Patch ... did you create a Merged patch first ?

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  On 3/23/2018 at 10:39 AM, sopmac45 said:

As far as I know, patches must be on the bottom of your load order. Immersive Sounds above FNIS. Improved eyes way down your load order. Vivid Weathers must be above FNIS as well below Immersive Sounds. All mods related to weapons must be last in your load order and the only mods below, should be patches and mods required by mod authors to be on the bottom of your load order. No snow under the roof should be way up in your load order as well. IcePenguinmap should be also way up. Those mods apply to the entire game and whatever affect the entire game should be up in your load order. Enhanced blood should be way up as well.


I do not think your load order is correct. What mod manager are you using ?


LOOT is a great tool but not perfect. There are a lot of samples about good load orders ( Bethesda, Nexus, etc ). Also, I see on the bottom of your load order, a Bashed Patch ... did you create a Merged patch first ?


So first i need to reorganize my load order manually, right? Looks like i did not create a merged patch too...


Also, i found this video:


I never create a merged patch before, so i need to create this before i create a new bashed patch again?


Thanks for answering!


Edit: I am using NMM.

Edited by thepatolas
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Go to that website ( link below ) and follow that load order. Also, I do not have a Bashed Patch because I would have to install the Wrye Bash mod and this need to be installed ( If I remember correctly ) in C:ProgramFiles(x86 ) and Skyrim must not be there but in another place and I have my game precisely in that directory, so I only use a SSEMerged Patch which is good and it is working fine for me even without the Bashed Patch. I saw that video too and helped me to understand how to handle this stuff.





In relation to your load order, yes, you would have to manually move some mods to the right place. Once you have it setup and running without any problem, copy / paste it to your desktop and keep it as a reference for next games. You can use LOOT after you finished setting up ( manually ) your load order and most likely, LOOT will agree with your decision. I have seen that before, when you manually place mods where they are supposed to be, LOOT does not change the place, except for a few, one of them is Flower Girl; LOOT always decide to put it not at the bottom of the load order but a bit above which is not what the mod author suggested, so you can trust LOOT but watch what it does and trust more what the mod author says about any specific mod, so that is why is super essential to read the mod author description and posts, otherwise, you will be missing very important information about that mod.


You can use NMM. I am using NMM for Fallout 4 and Vortex for Skyrim SE. But remember that probably NMM will be gone in the future since Vortex will be probably the only mod manager available. Don't be afraid of Vortex. My game is running fine with it. I have not transfer Fallout 4 yet but I will do it soon.


Happy gaming and ask more question if you may and if I know the answer, I will be happy to assist you. :cool:

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In reference to Wrye Bash, it must be installed in SSe or Skyrim folder, wherever you have that folder located. I have Steam installed in C:/users/my name/Steam thus Wrye Bash is installed in C:/users/my name/Steam/steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition or Skyrim.

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  On 3/23/2018 at 10:39 AM, sopmac45 said:

As far as I know, patches must be on the bottom of your load order. Immersive Sounds above FNIS. Improved eyes way down your load order. Vivid Weathers must be above FNIS as well below Immersive Sounds. All mods related to weapons must be last in your load order and the only mods below, should be patches and mods required by mod authors to be on the bottom of your load order. No snow under the roof should be way up in your load order as well. IcePenguinmap should be also way up. Those mods apply to the entire game and whatever affect the entire game should be up in your load order. Enhanced blood should be way up as well.


I do not think your load order is correct. What mod manager are you using ?


I've started sorting my load order manually. LOOT did a good job for me in the past, but lately, not so much.

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