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Worldspace help


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I am trying to expand one of my Fallout New Vegas worldspace mods, and i was wondering if anyone here can tell me how to make buildings seeable from a far distance? like how you can see the lucky 38 tower from goodsprings


do i need to do a few hours long LOD Generate?


the buildings in my mod are city buildings

worldspace is based of Nashville Tennessee

Edited by Mcdoye
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You need to create a VWD mesh of the distant object you want "visible while distant" if there isn't an existing "_far.nif" file for it. FNVLODGen does not create such meshes. Rather it stitches the "quads" of adjacent LOD cells into a seamless view and places the VWD meshes in that landscape. See the "VWD/LOD Overview" page on the TESTG site.



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