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how to have multiple retexts of the same armor /weapons


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The list of things you'll need to create in the CK, assuming you have all the .nif's and .dds's ready:


(1) Make entries in the /Misc/Textureset list for each retexture using the .dds files. You normally only have to make a new diffuse map for each set and can reuse the others.

(2) Make entries in the /Items/ArmorAddon for piece of armor. When you set the .nif file, there should be a little list box at the bottom with the textures used in the mesh, double-click the empty space to the right of that and choose the custom TextureSets you made in step 1. Make an ArmorAddon for each retex. If you have different meshes for beast races or something like that, make ArmorAddons with those meshes in each retex as well and set the race flags accordingly.

(3) Make the entries in /Items/Armor for each retex, and use the respective ArmorAddons from step 2. note that some armors use multiple ArmorAddons, usually to have different meshes for beast races than everyone else, and sometimes to have multi-part armors, such as the hooded robes which are actually 2 separate .nifs for the robe and hood. In the case where you're using it for beast races, just add both versions of the ArmorAddon to a single Armor item and it will use the appropriate mesh depending on who's wearing it. (you may have to check the 'Show All' box above the ArmorAddon list in the item editor to see them, it usually hides the beast race versions)


Open up my Craftable Monk Hoods in the CK if you want to see an example of this being done with a vanilla mesh.

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Yup, new names for everything. Let's say for example your new daedric retex is golden colored. You would take these steps to get it in the game.



(1) Create a new .dds file with your retex. For example purposes we'll name it 'daedricarmorgold.dds'


(2) Open up the CK and load 'Skyrim.esm' with no active file.


(3) In the item window, browse to /Misc/TextureSet


(4) Create a new TextureSet record, we'll call it 'tsDaedricArmorGold'


(5) Near the middle of the TextureSet editor window there's a list box with spots for the diffuse maps, the normal/gloss map, ect. Click the box for 'Diffuse' and then the 'Edit' button. It will bring up an open file dialog, choose your 'daedricarmorgold.dds'. You should be able to fill in the others with the vanilla textures. There will be at least a normal map (will have a filename ending in '_n.dds') and probably one for environment ('_m.dds') since it's a reflective object. If there aren't maps in the vanilla files for the others just leave them blank. Save the TextureSet record when done.


(6) Browse to the /Items/ArmorAddon catagory. Find the record for 'DaedricCuirassAA' and open it. Immediately change the name (in the edit window, don't rename it in the items list) to 'DaedricCuirassGoldAA' so you don't forget and overwrite the vanilla record.


(7) Along the left side, there should be several greyed out boxes with the names of the related .nif's in them, next to each one there's a button that says 'Select'. For each mesh, hit the select button, and another window will pop up. In the bottom part of that window is a list of texture slots with blank spaces next to them. There should most likely be only one texture for the actual color.


(8 ) Double click the blanks space next to texture in the list, it will bring up a list of the texturesets, locate and choose the 'tsDaedricArmorGold' from step 4. If you accidentally put this in the wrong slot, double-click again, and instead of choosing a textureset, hit cancel, this will clear the entry and return it to default. Repeat for all the models in the ArmorAddon record.


(9) Hit ok when finished, since you changed the formID it will ask if you want to create a new record, choose yes.


(10) Browse to the /Items/Armor/Daedric catagory an open the 'ArmorDaedricCuirass' form. Again, change the formID in the edit window so we end up with a new form rather than overwriting the vanilla one. We'll call it 'ArmorDaedricGoldCuirass'.


(11) Right under the formID, change the name to 'Golden Daedric Armor' or however you want it to appear in game.


(12) Just right of he center there are two more meshes (one may be blank, that's ok, it will just always use the male version) that correspond to the item when it's laying on the ground or in the inventory preview, do the same as the meshes in the ArmorAddon record and change the textureset.


(13) Below this is a white list box showing the ArmorAddon 'DaedricCuirassAA'. Right click this, delete it, then right click the empty space and choose 'New'. Choose the 'DaedricCuirassGoldAA' from step 6. Click the 'Show All' button to make sure that was the only one from the vanilla armor, some armors like the hooded robes are in more than one part, and others have several versions of the armoraddon with different meshes for beast races.


(14) Hit the OK button and against say yes when asked if you want to create a new record.


(15) Browse to /Items/Constructible Object' and open the record for 'RecipeArmorDaedricCuirass'. The only things you need to change are the formID and the item in the 'Created Item' dropdown list in the upper right corner. Change the created item to the 'ArmorDaedricGoldCuirass' from step 10 and the formID to 'RecipeArmorDaedricGoldCuirass'. Hit OK and save as new record.


(16) Scroll down and find the recipe 'TemperArmorDaedricCuirass' (this is the recipe for upgrading the armor at the workbench) and repeat the changes you made in step 15, with the formID 'TemperArmorDaedricGoldCuirass'.


(17) Repeat for the Boots, Gloves, Shield, ect.


Now you should have the option to create your armor at the forge with recipies identical to the vanilla Daedric. Since you duplicated the Armor record with all the keywords intact, it should properly count for perks. You should even be able to mix and match gold and normal Daedric armor pieces and still get he 'matched set' bonus.

Edited by Jadak
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