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Good pc games?


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The original Dragon Age: Origins is still the best linear character-driven RPG to date, and DA2 is pretty close. Mass Effect 1 and 2 (but not 3, because of the ending) are basically the scifi versions of Dragon Age, and they're just as awesome.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) is a good old game in the same style, for people with less than impressive PC's.


A good free online shooter is definitely Tribes Ascend. It's free, as mentioned, and easily worth money despite that. It's creative and very fast-paced. The balance is great as well, even for people who choose not to pay.


Sniper: Ghost Warrior is an example of what not to get. Shooters don't get much more tedious and bland than that.


Dark Souls is supposed to release on the PC in August, and it's already out on the consoles. It's just an amazing game in every way, from combat, to online, to style, to exploring, to the [steep] difficulty curve.


Skyrim or Oblivion are great open-world sandbox games without a real end. Morrowind is probably better, assuming you get a few mods to modernize the graphics and controls. I recommend the Overhaul 2.0 for Morrowind; it should make it look pretty modern.

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Mass Effect 1 and 2 (but not 3, because of the ending)


you cant discount ME3 just because of the ending. in fact, thats opinion. many people didnt mind the ending. on top of that even people who didnt like the ending never said dont buy the game. they game as a whole, is freaking amazing. it can still give you many hours of gameplay, and its still an epic game. some people just didnt like the ending, well many people didnt. but dont discredit ME3 as a game to get just because of the last 10 minutes, which is your opinion anyways, and he may not share.

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The pc is blessed with many a good game.


On the rpg(ish) side, there are the hack n slash slaughtering of the monsters and pretty much everything else dumbed down, the obvious quality games there being Titans Quest, Diablo 2 LOD , Torchlight, and Divinity 2. They are fun but shallow.

Then there are the less combat based, but totally linear games like Dragons' Age Origins, Kingdoms of Amular and Jade Empire, which generally look fantastic, have nice big characters and easy combat systems. Less shallow but probably no more fun.

Then there are what I call 'proper' rpg games such as Oblivion and Gothic 3, with non-linear open worlds ,which provide massive depth to gameplay and can eat up hours of your time (100's of hours in my case). Personally I find these the most enjoyable overall.


I guess since you've posted on this forum, that you are more inclined to the deeper experience of the Oblivion type than the quick fix of the hack n slash type. Good man.


Oh, I personally like the Silent Hill games, though they are definitely best on console systems rather than pc's.

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The pc is blessed with many a good game.


On the rpg(ish) side, there are the hack n slash slaughtering of the monsters and pretty much everything else dumbed down, the obvious quality games there being Titans Quest, Diablo 2 LOD , Torchlight, and Divinity 2. They are fun but shallow.

Then there are the less combat based, but totally linear games like Dragons' Age Origins, Kingdoms of Amular and Jade Empire, which generally look fantastic, have nice big characters and easy combat systems. Less shallow but probably no more fun.

Then there are what I call 'proper' rpg games such as Oblivion and Gothic 3, with non-linear open worlds ,which provide massive depth to gameplay and can eat up hours of your time (100's of hours in my case). Personally I find these the most enjoyable overall.


I guess since you've posted on this forum, that you are more inclined to the deeper experience of the Oblivion type than the quick fix of the hack n slash type. Good man.


Oh, I personally like the Silent Hill games, though they are definitely best on console systems rather than pc's.


i would hardly call Diablo a quick hack n slash game. considering its got more man hours sunk into it then all of your Elder Scroll games combined. Torchlight is a tad shorter then Diablo it only took me about 10 hours to beat on normal and bout 14 on hard. (i estimate. im at 12 hours on hard, and close to the end) Dragon Age Origins is only semi Linear. You Choose where to go and when to do it. plenty of quests when you start means plenty of places to go and to choose from. and i myself have sunk more hours into DAO then i have into FallOut 3. and ive beaten FO3 and all its DLC three times, getting 100% trophies on Ps3....but its roughly a 60 hour play through for DAO. x 3 characters. + several partial play throughs. + several modded play through full and partial. dont assume that just because someone is on this forum they are an Elder Scrolls fan. considering this i a DAO mod site as well (now). personally i dont like the ES series in the slightest. and i just dont like when people assume everyone here does or that is the best RPG or how RPGs shoud be.


that said, the games you listed are all good games to consider for PC Games, Elder Scrolls included.

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You dont like ES :psyduck: , jokes apart I did like DAO nice game, KOA is also a "nice game", diablo 3 doesnt get my love, Fallout 3 was quite nice thanks to the lots and lots of mods, and i cant think in any recent rpg's for pc.
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You dont like ES :psyduck: , jokes apart I did like DAO nice game, KOA is also a "nice game", diablo 3 doesnt get my love, Fallout 3 was quite nice thanks to the lots and lots of mods, and i cant think in any recent rpg's for pc.


nope. not even a little bit. i just cant get into them. idc about the story and with a game that huge i need to like the backdrop, like i do with FallOut, which i played on PS3 so i loved the game without mods. FONV i wasnt a fan of really and had to mod to enjoy it. DAO i loved. beat it with and without Mods, but Mods are deff great for that game. KOA looked fun. sorta like a close up Torchlight (which i loved btw) but i couldnt get into KOA. i didnt like the feel of it. idk. i tried it on both PC and PS3 and just couldnt get the enjoyment outta it. like the feel of it i guess idk. looks like a great game no doubt. esp for the first game by a company. but i cant give any real opinions on it as i havent tried it past the demo...D3 also gets no love from me. im actually currently playing D2 but after all the game play ive seen of D3, it doenst look good. no Stat points, no Points for like Vitality and stuff. Torchlight 2 looks WAY better. and for $20 (when released) the best way i can out D3 is....D3 is to D2 like DA2 was to DAO. its supposedly the same series of games, but soo drastically different from its predecessor. it caters to a casual market. making everything easy and combat fast and exciting. but even DA2 had stat points and stuff. it didnt force you to take certain abilities.

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Consider me slightly chastened by assuming you were an Oblivion type, my bad. :(


On the positive side, I was not downplaying the fun element of Diablo 2, in fact I really enjoyed playing it, with a particular liking for being the Necromancer (even when playing LOD). And Torchlight 2 is a game on my most wanted 2012 games list.

I am also excited (with a little reservation) about Biowares' press releases, about the forthcoming Dragons' Age 3, which is ment to be considerably larger than the first two games, and is rumored to be a mix of Origins and Dragons' Age 2, hopefully with more of Origins influence then Dragons' Age 2.

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I can list reasons, but there are plenty of videos that explain why the ending of ME3 was bad objectively.


ME3 didn't wrap up the ending of the series, which makes it a bad game in my opinion. The entire game revolved around a magic space gun, which for some reason was never mentioned until now, even though the mars station was the very first alien research station. Some moments in the game were cool, but the game as a whole wasn't that great when compared to the previous titles.

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Wait dont take the post to other direction, theres a lot of post for me3, so lets talk about what games we think are good for pc and not about why this or that game sucks, so i was thinking in that game of square-enix the last re-something, i played that game a long time ago, it was not the best game but for a jrpg lover was okish.
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