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Diplomatic Immunity - STUCK


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I have the Elder Scroll on me and I heard I can't have anything to enter the Embassy. The guards wont talk to me so I can't enter the embassy. I already reloaded tons of times, waited more then 30 game days but I simply can't enter the Embassy.


I heard I can sell the Elder Scroll to the Orc Lybrarian but he wont buy it. I think he only buy after its used on the quest. But from what I know it is used in the Main Quest two steps after Diplomatic Immunity. So this is a loop I can't get out.

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@above You can get the ES at level 15 by completing the quest for it. I have it and I haven't even killed the dragon outside Whiterun yet.


You have to take the carriage at Solitude where Delphine is in order to get there. She gives you party clothes, you put them on, board the carriage, and the guard lets you in.

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I can't do the quest that uses the Elder Scroll because is a quest of the main story 2 ou 3 after The Diplomatic Immunity. If I hade made the quest I could sell it to the Orc Lybrarian.


I am in a loop. Can't enter the Thalmor Ebassy because of the scroll, can t use the scroll because I never did the Diplomatic quest

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Google console commands to remove the elder scroll.


Do the quest. Replace the ES with another console command.




At least, have you tried that method? Thats what I'd be looking into...


I think what Harry1982's saying is to use the console command player.removeitem to remove the elder scroll from your inventory, do the quest (if possible) then before you need it use player.additem to get it back. UESP Wiki has a list of item codes, console commands, etc., etc.

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Google console commands to remove the elder scroll.


Do the quest. Replace the ES with another console command.




At least, have you tried that method? Thats what I'd be looking into...


I think what Harry1982's saying is to use the console command player.removeitem to remove the elder scroll from your inventory, do the quest (if possible) then before you need it use player.additem to get it back. UESP Wiki has a list of item codes, console commands, etc., etc.

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