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Replacing Horses with Dogs


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I recently created a working rideable fox using OMP's animations, Mr_Siika's fox model, and a lot of hex editing on my part. It got me thinking, why horses? This is a fantasy world, remember. So there's nothing that stops everyone from riding dogs instead of horses. With the exception of the OMP (dog, wolf, lion) and Akatosh Mount, the current crop of rideable mods (rat, bear, deer, boar, clannfear) all consist of "adds [creature] to [stable location]" with nothing or very little else. So, all this made me come up with an idea.


There are seven (discounting CHS) stables in the game. So, why not ditch the horses and give each stable a different kind of canine creature to sell instead?


So, answer this.


1. Do you like the concept?

2. List all of the vanilla dog skeleton creatures. No, I'm not going to make a rideable skinned hound, before you say anything.

3. What are some other (good) dog-skeleton-using creatures?


And, finally:


4. Should the Grey Fox (person) own a rideable grey fox (animal)?

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I like the idea, though if it's not to much trouble on your part, how about setting up a new kennel in some rural village rather than replacing the city stables? It would be quite interesting to have large dog tamers/herders in the wilderness as a backstory for it.


The grey fox thing could be optional an easter egg for me though. lol

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