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Okay im taking the plunge. I'm buying Special Edition


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After umming and ahhhing for a while now. I'm getting the Special Edition.


My reason for this post. Is to get the opinions of experienced modders. Regarding my rig and what I can expect performance wise and my options for modding.


I don't have an amazing rig.


I have a G3258 Duel core OC 4.3 GHz


A 750 Ti OC


8 GB Ram 2133 MHz


Any advise or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. :smile:

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Just started using SSE myself, im glad i did. No more cell border crossing lags and better shaders.

I used the boss guide as base for it.


I'm happy i switched from LE to SE, LE cant make full use of my 11GB Vram & 32GB Ram. 4k textures everything :>


Edit: You can follow the guide with 4k and use a texture optimizer to convert all textures down to 1024x1024, just make sure to exclude all the normal maps, else you get blocky faces.

The guy who made the optimizer wrote in the discussion how to exclude normals.

If you dont want to go through the trouble, just go for 1024 textures in the first place.



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You said "not amazing rig" but you've got a 4,3 GHz core and a 8GB RAM, ahaha, I play with half of your (about the core) and I'm good in high setting :laugh:


(PS : In addition to having a more stable game, you can play when it comes out to the full version of the Beyond Skyrim Project :smile:)

Edited by Alerios
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