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Question about taking videos of Skyrim


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What programs (if any) do people tend to use to edit the videos of playing sessions in Skyrim? When I use FRAPS the resulting video file is HUGE, somewhere around a gig for only a minute or two of video. Do these files just get uploaded to sites like YouTube at this size or is any editing done that preserves most of the quality but shrinks the file size? Also, what about clipping video files, for example say I only want the first minute of a two minute video?
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Some of the higher end capture cards will record in the more compressed HD format found on the Youtube videos, and most come with some kind of editing software, although a stand alone editing (pay $ for) program, may have more features\ better quality.
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Also, from what I've found, if you record the FRAPS footage to a different drive (external or just a different HD), the resulting performance impact on the game while recording is minimal.


Now I want to start recording again. I just need some sort of motivation to start up another LP. :unsure:

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