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NIFSkope to Skyrim Not Working


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I've seen other posts about this problem but not a working solution. People have posted modded armor with this method, but it doesn't work for me. I adjust

vanilla armor in NifSkope, and it looks just fine. But when I test it in Skyrim, none of my adjustments are saved. And yes, I've done Transform>Apply on everything I change, but still no luck. It worked 100% fine for Oblivion, but not for Skyrim. Can anybody help me with this?


In NIFSkope



In-game (I apologize for the poor quality, Skyrim won't let me take screenshots and the resolution of Steam screenshots are just terrible.)

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Unfortunately It's pretty much impossible to see what the problem is from those screen shots, so maybe describe what you are trying to do and what is actually happening?


And for the Transform -> Apply to work (in most cases) you must first "Clear" the data from not only the NiTriShape but ALSO the DismemberSkin under it as well, once you have 'cleared" both, you can 'edit' the NiTriShape and 'apply' the changes (though you MAY need to repeat the "edit -> apply" step several times, as it will sometimes move the NiTriShape around a bit ...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I'm in the process of moving rite now. My problem is when I edit the armor pieces in nifskope, they look the way I want them to. But when I save them, they still have their default model in-game. When I click transform>clear, it deletes the entire piece of armor that I was editing, like say a pauldron. Edited by XCrimsonXXHazeX
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In-game (I apologize for the poor quality, Skyrim won't let me take screenshots and the resolution of Steam screenshots are just terrible.)


Edit your Skyrim.ini file and add the following under [Display]:




Then run Skyrim and press the Print Screen key to save a screenshot as a bmp file in your main Skyrim folder. :thumbsup:

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Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, I'm in the process of moving rite now. My problem is when I edit the armor pieces in nifskope, they look the way I want them to. But when I save them, they still have their default model in-game. When I click transform>clear, it deletes the entire piece of armor that I was editing, like say a pauldron.


"Transform -> Clear" doesn't delete the piece (zoom out or look up, waaayyyy up), all it does is set the x, y, z co-ordinates to 0.00 x 0.00 x 0.00, so you have to "Clear" not only the x, y, z for the NiTriShape but ALSO for the BSDismemberSkinInstance attached to it as well (look for the little tri-coloured asterix type thing), this is the only way to get "Transform -> Apply" to work correctly ... You might have to repeat "Transform ->Edit" then "Transform -.Apply" a couple of time before the mesh stops moving, but it DOES work and it DOESN"T delete armor parts


Just remember to check the x, y, z, coords of the NiTriShape first, and if they are not 0.00 x 0.00 x 0.00 then "Clear" them as well as the BSDismemberSkinInstance coords before making any edits.

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