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Cannot Fast Travel


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I have a huge problem with my game now. I am outside, not in any building of any sort, and I cannot fast travel. What happens, is that when I select a location, it says "You cannot fast travel from this location." in the corner. I was in Nipton and outside, and I don't know whats going on. I just got the Pip-Boy Readius with a retexture, I'm not sure if it is that. I also just reactivated Real Time Settler, but it hasn't happened before. I'd Appreciate some help with this. :/
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I'm no expert, but my suggestion would be to uninstall each of the mods you added one at a time, then checking if you can fast travel.


It might be one of the mods, or maybe a certain combination of mods. I'm not sure.


But just uninstall one, check if you can fast travel. If it doesn't work, try removing another and checking again.


Post if you get it working, and if it is just one particular mod, inform the creator of the mod.


Before I forget, if you don't want to uninstall all your mods, you could first try reading through of the your installed mods ReadMes and checking if you missed any of the steps.

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Actually, I already solved it. I just go into the console menu and type in "Enablefasttravel 1" and I can fast travel again. Thanks for trying to help though, I appreciate it. :thumbsup:
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