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Links to none nexus members youtube channels?


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As i have said on a past topic my 3d model maker ditched and left me to create the models i need, i found some one to create them for me for free as long as i link his youtube maya/3ds max tutorials.


The links would be on the credits of my project once the models are complete along with a thanks for him. Is this ok to do on nexus? I know some places are a bit tetchy about promoting other sites and none users.


Cheers grimm

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I don't see why it would be that much of an issue. You are giving credit where credit is due... and it's YouTube. Videos on YouTube are linked all the time.
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I don't see why it would be that much of an issue. You are giving credit where credit is due... and it's YouTube. Videos on YouTube are linked all the time.


Thats what i think is the case, would rather be sure than banned or some such. With it being directly concerned with my project and skyrim, and would help others as his tutorials are really good, i think it should be ok.


Some places do have issues with linking outside sites, mainly due to piracy.

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