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My Faction is hostile to itself?

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So I made a faction for a set of leveled NPCs I'm going to have the player interact with and I found that despite all being members of the same faction they spawned as hostile to each other. The only way I was able to make them stop shooting themselves was by setting the faction as its own ally. Is this the proper way to do things or did I miss something that would have kept them from behaving this way?

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There're only 3 parameters thar determine NPC's behavior.


1 - relationship between factions (neutral / ally / enemy)


2 - level of aggression (unaggressive / aggressive / very aggressive / frenzy)


3 - who they help (no one / allies / friends & allies)

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Yes you always have to set reciprocal faction relations even on itself, and with two factions just to be double safe I always force the calls on both factions;

pThisFaction.SetAlly(pThisFaction, false, false) ;ally
pThisFaction.SetAlly(pThatFaction, false, false) ;ally
pThatFaction.SetAlly(pThisFaction, false, false) ;ally

You have also hit the two neutral gotchas to look out for ... which is why I avoid neutral and only use deterministic friend, ally, enemy for spawns:


Aggression(2) Very Aggressive will attack Enemies and NEUTRALS on sight.


Aggro Radius will attack Enemies and NEUTRALS in radius

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Yes you always have to set reciprocal faction relations even on itself, and with two factions just to be double safe I always force the calls on both factions;

pThisFaction.SetAlly(pThisFaction, false, false) ;ally
pThisFaction.SetAlly(pThatFaction, false, false) ;ally
pThatFaction.SetAlly(pThisFaction, false, false) ;ally

You have also hit the two neutral gotchas to look out for ... which is why I avoid neutral and only use deterministic friend, ally, enemy for spawns:


Aggression(2) Very Aggressive will attack Enemies and NEUTRALS on sight.


Aggro Radius will attack Enemies and NEUTRALS in radius

Oh! I missed the neutrals. Thank you so much!

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