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What is the Use of SKE Loader, Script Dragon and Sky Boost?


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SKSE is the Skyrim Script Extender - it allows modders to add additional functionality to their mods, like scripts, inventory hacks, follower hacks, etc. Many mods require it.

ScriptDragon is a plugin system, you can simply add plugins to do various things; HorseSummon.ai is a good one.

SkyBoost is/was a program patched many of the poorly programmed elements of Skyrim. It had a very big impact but I don't believe it's still needed.

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Well to fix the consolized UI I need SkyUI (haven't seen an alternative yet) and unless I install SKSE it has a large obtrusive warning telling me I don't have SKSE for a function I never use.


Other than that I don't use the others or anything else requiring it.


If instead your asking specifically what they do...


SKSE & Script Dragon to my understanding are separate attempted to get around Beth's default limitations in game scripting allowing modders to use more functions and more complex scripts. As for the Boost one, I think its supposed to be a fps booster (frames per second), I don't use it so don't really know.


For more information (and more likely to be correct information) you should check out the separate descriptions pages for each.

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SKSE is the Skyrim Script Extender - it allows modders to add additional functionality to their mods, like scripts, inventory hacks, follower hacks, etc. Many mods require it.

ScriptDragon is a plugin system, you can simply add plugins to do various things; HorseSummon.ai is a good one.

SkyBoost is/was a program patched many of the poorly programmed elements of Skyrim. It had a very big impact but I don't believe it's still needed.


Ahh.. Uhm So, I already have SKSE. Is it safe to put my Script Dragon in my Skyrim main folder?

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Yes, I use SKSE, Script Dragon, and Skyboost. You just need to have the right ver. for what Skyrim patch you have, because every time the patch changes you have to update all of theese.


I am bothered about the .ini files and the plugins. I actually don't know where to put them..

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Plugins for Script Dragon, just make a folder named "asi" without quotes and put in Skyrim folder (not Data), put those plugins in it, and their ini.'s...


Actually, in the case of Script Dragon, it doesn't matter if the "ASI" folder is in ...\skyrim\asi or ...\skyrim\data\asi. Unless something has recently changed, the scriptdragon.dll looks for .asi files in both of those directories - as well as the base ...\skyrim directory.


Depending on the specific mod, the .asi files can wind up in any of those three places and still get loaded. How conflicts are resolved is another question altogether.

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Everything (ini's, dll's, .ai's, etc) goes into the same location as TESV.exe. Plugins for SKSE (.ai and .dll) go here;




Although few of them appear to work any longer with 1.5.

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