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Script lag? What is causing it!


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So after playing for about an hour today and not saving at all (survival mode), I got stuck in an elevator that refused to move at all (that was a first, I even waited for 10mins to see if it was going to move with some delay, sadly no). While replaying the whole quest I was currently doing, I noticed that every button I click has a delay. I call an elevator, it takes 5 seconds for the game to noticed that I clicked the button. I go to sleep, it takes 15 secs afterwards to get the well rested message and the whole food and drinking messages.
So I started digging and as it seems I have script lag. Now I already made a log (which is 21MB after 2mins of me standing next to my bed) and I assume the culprit is Pack Attack NPC Edition - Gangs With Group Combat Tactics.

Now I have never really read a log before so I wanted to see if someone could take a look at the log and tell me if I am right or not. That would be amazing!

Also here is uploaded my load order file just in case!

EDIT: Log is too big, had to upload it here: http://www.filedropper.com/papyrus0log

Edited by Helixien
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I'm no expert on these logs, so take my advice with the needed grains of salt.

1. Have you tried running the game with this mod disabled? If you still get the errors and delays after it's disabled then there is something very wrong somewhere that you'll need to hunt down.

2. You say you are posting your load order, but I don't see that here. I did take a quick look at your file and there are errors there that should not be, so that's partly why I asked question 1.

3. What's your gaming rig? That info may also point out some of the issues.


What other troubleshooting have you done and how did you get the load order you have? These answered will help me to help you, as there is a large process to getting things working and I will say NMM has issues with file links breaking so that may be part of your issues, too.

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