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Purposeful Poses


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The idea:


You can do poses which will be mapped to your power key. That pose will have spell or power attached to it. Would still fall under the restriction of requiring mana to perform if its a spell or cd if it's a power for said pose. Due to the nature that poses will leave you somewhat vulnerable, the game will be put in slow time while the pose is in effect, so everyone and their mother's can see you in all of your glory.


Misc notes:


Best to use this with somewhat short animation for those grand boss fights or awesome encounters.


What it changes:


It would give even more purpose to the plethora of poses and animations for skyrim and would strongly strengthen the play value.




1. You have a pose that's a taunt something similar to this


you attach the spell fury to what's infront of you.


2. Or you have a pose that's pretty questionable and it casts calm to what's infront of you.


3. Or you have a pose that draws your thumb across your neck, this will cast Marked for Death on what ever it is infront of you.


etc etc.


c+v from SSE subforum

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