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CTD when opening chests plus load order


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k ive tried LOOT Wrye Bash and script ecitor idividually also steam game stability this happens with any new game or chests plz help

0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm

2 2 Dawnguard.esm

3 3 HearthFires.esm

4 4 Dragonborn.esm

5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp

6 6 BSAssets.esm

7 7 BSHeartland.esm

8 8 arnima.esm

9 9 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm

10 a RSkyrimChildren.esm

11 b BS_DLC_patch.esp

12 c SkyMoMod.esm

13 d Falskaar.esm

14 e Gray Fox Cowl.esm

15 f DSC_PlaceYourPaintings.esp

16 10 Cutting Room Floor.esp

17 11 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp

18 12 tpos_ultimate_esm.esp

19 13 Whiterun Forest Borealis.esp

20 14 Dwarfsphere.esp

21 15 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp

22 16 NexusSkyrimOverhaul_Magic.esp

23 17 Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp

24 18 Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp

25 19 Divalicious Skyrim.esp

26 1a They took our jobs.esp

27 1b Immersive Jewelry.esp

28 1c MoreColorfulCritters.esp

29 1d Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp

30 1e SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp

31 1f Vivid WeathersSE.esp

32 20 TrueStormsSE.esp

33 21 Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp

34 22 Vivid Weathers SE - Falskaar.esp

35 23 VWTSSE-Patch.esp

36 24 Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp

37 25 Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp

38 26 cleaned up thieves guild.esp

39 27 Winterhold.esp

40 28 T'Skyrim Whiterun.esp

41 29 Civil War Aftermath.esp

42 2a Beasts of Tamriel.esp

43 2b Potions.esp

44 2c Helgen Reborn.esp

45 2d RelicsofHyruleDragonborn.esp

46 2e Civil War Equip organised.esp

47 2f HearthfireMultiKid.esp

48 30 OBIS SE.esp

49 31 goodbrother.esp

50 32 Settlements Expanded SE.esp

51 33 WZTamrielic Culture.esp

52 34 mrbs-uniqueloot-se.esp

53 35 Ashbound.esp

54 36 skyBirds_SSE.esp

55 37 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp

56 38 BirdsOfSkyrim_SSE.esp

57 39 Dawnstar Overhaul.esp

58 3a thegemstonecollector.esp

59 3b T'Skyrim Riverwood.esp

60 3c Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp

61 3d GrandPaladinSE.esp

62 3e DungeonQuestAwarenessRedux.esp

63 3f MoonAndStar_MAS.esp

64 40 morthal.esp

65 41 The Brotherhood of Old.esp

66 42 Skytest Beasts of Tamriel.esp

67 43 Betterfoodeffects.esp

68 44 fmstables.esp

69 45 ESOimports.esp

70 46 Master of Disguise - Special Edition.esp

71 47 mihailrusticweaponspack.esp

72 48 Better Dressed NPCs2.esp

73 49 SPTConsistentOlderPeopleSE.esp

74 4a Tes Arena NorthKeep.esp

75 4b Tes Pagran Village.esp

76 4c Kato's Falkreath.esp

77 4d The Ruins.esp

78 4e OpulentOutfits_2017-SSE AIO.esp

79 4f TheChoiceIsYours.esp

80 50 SkyrimBounties.esp

81 51 SkyrimsUniqueTreasures.esp

82 52 Laundry.esp

83 53 Tes Arena Nimalten.esp

84 54 Carpathian Inn.esp

85 55 MVABasic.esp

86 56 JKs Whiterun.esp

87 57 Dogs-of-Skyrim.esp

88 58 Oblivion Gates Remade.esp

89 59 Karthwasten - Let The Silver Flow.esp

90 5a JK's Riverwood.esp

91 5b Raven Rock.esp

92 5c Cooking_In_Skyrim_v_2_0.esp

93 5d LvxMagicksFactionBooks-Morebooks Please2.5.esp

94 5e Whiterun Gate Restoration.esp

95 5f TES Arena Amol.esp

96 60 CultofAgnar.esp

97 61 TreasureHunter.esp

98 62 Artifacts.esp

99 63 PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp

100 64 CollegeGrounds.esp

101 65 Red Flame.esp

102 66 Tes Vernim Wood.esp

103 67 Skaal Village.esp

104 68 Immersive Wenches.esp

105 69 More Clutter In Skyrim.esp

106 6a EmbersHD.esp

107 6b WZOblivionArtifacts.esp

108 6c BGCollectables.esp

109 6d NarrativeLoot Complete.esp

110 6e UsefulFood.esp

111 6f IcePenguinWorldMap.esp

112 70 DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp


114 72 ogSplendorDragons.esp

115 73 BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp

116 74 RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp

117 75 RSChildren.esp

118 76 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp

119 77 HearthFire Display Case Fix.esp

120 78 ExquisiteClothing.esp

121 79 Morrowind Soul Gems.esp

122 7a mihailanimalbones.esp

123 7b Cats-in-SkyrimSSE.esp

124 7c waterplants.esp

125 7d Resurrect.esp

126 7e PyP_Legendary.esp

127 7f SovngardeNordHeroes.esp

128 80 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

129 81 dD-Medium Script Range.esp

130 82 dD-Reduced Splatter Size.esp

131 83 WetandCold.esp

132 84 TrueStorms_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp

133 85 AllThievesGuildJobsConcurrently.esp

134 86 Realistic-Voice.esp

135 87 General Goods Fences.esp

136 88 Gemstone_Recovery.esp

137 89 KillLogMod.esp

138 8a Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp

139 8b CC'sEnhancedOreVeinsSSE-HearthfirePatch.esp

140 8c DiversifyingSkyrim.esp

141 8d AKShadowsOfThePast.esp

142 8e Vigilant.esp

143 8f Fossilsyum.esp

144 90 OldHroldanRuins.esp

145 91 Civil War Battlefields.esp

146 92 FarmhouseChimneys.esp

147 93 ChickenVarietyKILLABLE.esp

148 94 DWP.esp

149 95 mihailhousedrescamp.esp

150 96 mihailsewerrat.esp

151 97 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

152 98 JUSTICE - City Exteriors.esp

153 99 mihailgiantrats.esp

154 9a DigUpDragonMounds.esp

155 9b Dominion's More Diversity Mod.esp

156 9c mihailmmaminotaur.esp

157 9d mihailcrocodiles.esp

158 9e mihailnixcreatures.esp

159 9f Jolgeirr Barrow.esp

160 a0 FullyEquippedBlacksmiths.esp

161 a1 LIAT - NPCs.esp

162 a2 One With Nature.esp

163 a3 KrittaKittyHorsesForSSE.esp

164 a4 notice board.esp

165 a5 ForgottenCity.esp

166 a6 OBIS SE - NoticeBoard - Addon.esp

167 a7 mihailcliffracer.esp

168 a8 mihailgiantsnakes.esp

169 a9 DiverseWerewolvesCollection.esp

170 aa foalsofskyrim.esp

171 ab mihailbearsofcyrodiil.esp

172 ac mihailhungerandvermai.esp

173 ad WheelsOfLull.esp

174 ae WildHerdsOfSkyrim.esp

175 af Useful Scrapping.esp

176 b0 mihailaurochs.esp

177 b1 Civil War Extended.esp

178 b2 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp

179 b3 mihailmammoths.esp

180 b4 mihailmountainlion.esp

181 b5 WoollyRhino.esp

182 b6 mihailcentaur.esp

183 b7 mihailkagouti.esp

184 b8 BugJarReplacer.esp

185 b9 NordicCooking.esp

186 ba Wolf'sRecipies.esp

187 bb BottlesOfSkyrim.esp

188 bc Sate That Appetite SE.esp

189 bd Winter in Windhelm.esp

190 be Map Markers Complete.esp

191 bf Daedric Cults.esp

192 c0 CollegeStudents.esp

193 c1 mihailverminousfabricant.esp

194 c2 mihailfellrunners.esp

195 c3 Gildergreen Regrown.esp

196 c4 moonpath.esp

197 c5 Dawnguard&VolkiharArtifactsQuests.esp

198 c6 OBIS SE Patrols Addon.esp

199 c7 JokerinePenguins.esp

200 c8 WunderkindRares.esp

201 c9 Oblivion Gates Remade - Map Markers.esp

202 ca GPProvisioning.esp

203 cb GPFood.esp

204 cc UsefulFoodDB.esp

205 cd Vigilant Voiced.esp

206 ce SoS_VividWeathers_Patch.esp

207 cf SoS_TrueStorms_Patch.esp

208 d0 Runed_Nordic_Weapons.esp

209 d1 mihailpeacock.esp

210 d2 aestheartofsmithing.esp

211 d3 Better Creature Loot.esp

212 d4 Gluttonborn.esp

213 d5 SipsMod.esp

214 d6 Undriel_Raven_of_RavenRock.esp

215 d7 BardSoundsMalukah.esp

216 d8 Potions Patch.esp

217 d9 Hammerfell Armory SE.esp

218 da IronWeaponsRedux.esp

219 db Ghosu - Horker Weapon Pack.esp

220 dc KynesBreathWeaponPack.esp

221 dd Billyro Swords.esp

222 de BetterBarterSE.esp

223 df The Ultimate Ghost Appearance Enhancement.esp

224 e0 Yet More Books.esp

225 e1 iHUD.esp

226 e2 SkyUI_SE.esp

227 e3 AHZmoreHUD.esp

228 e4 Skytest Immersive Creatures.esp

229 e5 DSC_PlaceYourPaintings_Vanilla_Houses.esp

230 e6 DSC_PlaceYourPaintings_NarrativeLoot.esp

231 e7 FNIS.esp

232 e8 XPMSSE.esp

233 e9 Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp

234 ea Racial Body Morphs - Imperious.esp

235 eb Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp

236 ec Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp

237 ed RealisticWaterTwo.esp

238 ee BUVARP.esp

239 ef RealisticWaterTwo - FlowingLakes.esp

240 f0 RWT - People of Skyrim Patch.esp

241 f1 SoS_ImmersiveCitizens_Patch.esp

242 f2 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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I see a lot of mods that I've never seen in my life to be honest so I do not know if those mods are reliable or not ... that in the first place. I see a lot of patches that should be on the bottom of your load order ( patches always goes to the bottom + mods suggested by mod authors that also needed to be placed in the bottom ) ... just because Skyrim allow 255 mods does not means that you should have 242. You can download as many you want but the more mods you install, the more troubles you will face.


Immersive sounds and Sounds of Skyrim are not compatible ( as far as I know ). Beasts of Tamriel is known to cause CTD's. Honestly, I do not think that you have read the mod descriptions and posts before installing your mods. I do not know if you are new to modding or not, but based on your load order, probably this is your first time modding and forgive me if I am wrong.


I have been modding Skyrim during 2 years + now and I started with 125 mods. Now after too many mistakes and trying several mods and re-starting the game from scratch several times, I have only 86 mods. Those mods are in the list of most endorsed mods all time, meaning that, they are reliable, people have used them and endorse them because they are good, stable and reliables. I recommend you to start with those first and do yourself a big favor : do not download that many .... is not about quantity but quality, that is my suggestion.


Also, what mod manager are you using ? How good is your rig ? Let me tell you, it does not matter if you have the best video card, it is about how optimized your load order is, type of mods that you installed, following the rules provided by the mod authors, installing only mods that people have tried already and the way to find out, is reading the mod posts; you will get a lot of information by reading before installing a mod ... and yet ... there is not a perfect game and there is not a game without CTD's ... but if you follow some rules and stick to them by the letter, you will have a much stable game.


I do not know what is causing your CTD but it could be related to ( and not limited to ... ) : amount of mods not reliable at all, bad load order, how good your rig is to handle 242 mods, what programs are running in the background when you are playing, etc, etc, etc, .....


If this is your first time, I would suggest to restart the whole thing again. Sometimes is better to go nuke and restart all fresh. If you decide going that way, install only 5 mods at a time, try them out and see if they crash or not your game; before doing that, read the mod description and posts, ask questions if you are in doubt and once you are sure that is the mod that you want to play with, install it and try it. Repeat with more mods and so on. Also, I do recommend that you define your play style and what is it that you want to do with your game before installing mods, because your load order is so vast that I cannot read exactly what type of game you want to play with all of those mods.


Keep in mind that there are a lot of things that you can get by just typing a console command that a mod also could allow you to get, so for example, I do not have any mod in my load order that allow me to carry more weight or for merchants to have more money. I just type a console command and I can carry as many pounds as I want ( without a mod ) and I can have millions by just typing a console command so I do not need merchants to have more money; so, there are two less mods in my load order and that means, less stress for my rig, which by the way, is very decent : Nvidia 1070, i7-6700, 16gb of RAM, SSD 1tb drive and a Viewsonic Monitor 165 Hz.


Still, even with my load order of 86 mods, I have had one CTD in about 33 hours of playing. Why ? I do not know. I know that all my mods are reliable and they have been placed in my load order where they are supposed to be. I also have a SSEMerged patch and conflicts between my mods have been resolved. Your load order could work as well but you would have to delete some mods ( Immersive Sounds and Sounds of Skyrim are not compatible for example ) and you would have to use only LOOT to sort it out and resolve conflicts between your mods via SSEEdit and create patches. But the more mods you have, the more work you need to do and it will be difficult ( not impossible ) to resolve conflicts between that amount of mods. If you know what to do, it would be much simpler but still a lot of work to do.


If you are not that experienced, then I recommend to go nuke and do what I suggested above. Read, read and read before installing. Define your play style. Install a few and try. Decide if you like them, keep them or delete. If you delete, delete all games with the mod and go back to your save before installing that mod, otherwise, your game will CTD. Modding is not that easy and I say this based on my own experience. As I said before, I have made a lot of mistakes and still I am learning and I am not an expert but my game today is more stable than it was 3 months ago. Good luck and happy gaming !

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So I should remove immersive sounds and patches I'm using NMM I got a good rig with a great card I bought and installed I'll try removing immersive sound and other if that dosent work I'll take your suggestion and nuke it
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So I should remove immersive sounds and patches I'm using NMM I got a good rig with a great card I bought and installed I'll try removing immersive sound and other if that dosent work I'll take your suggestion and nuke it
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darn phone anyway i tried removing immersic\ve jewelery and immersive sound like you suggested and now i can open chests without difficulty ty sopmac45


Happy to hear it did work ... not, you did not have to remove anything, I never said that, just that Immersive and Sounds of Skyrim were not compatible so you had to make a decision which one to keep. I personally use Immersive Sounds with Reverb and Ambiance because they work very well together.


Patches must be loaded at the bottom of your load order, never said to uninstall them. You need them, but at the bottom, always !


Forgot to mention before that I play as a pure mage and for me, Skyrim must be a war zone all the time. So, I use Genesis ( best mod to spawn enemies ), OBIS ( another good mod to do so ), Immersive wenches ( you need this one if you want to have the rest ), Hateful Wenches and a couple of more about wenches so anytime I go inside a dungeon, there are dozens of enemies and that is a lot of fun. High level enemies ( with the option mod to scale their damage against me ). Phenderix and Apocalipsys Magic. Only one follower mod ( Hanali ) and I have 5 : Hanali, Serana, Lydia, Jordis and a guard ( my tank ) from my house mod. I need that amount of followers to fight dozens and waves of enemies everywhere.


I do not have any beast or monster mods because they used to crash my game before. I tried also Sands of Time and even though that mod is superb, it did crash my game several times, freeze it in places I've never had something like that before and not even when I played in PS3, so I had to go nuke before this mod must be installed from the very beginning of the game so if for some reason does not work, you have to start from the very beginning and this mod will leave traces in your data game so it was a wise decision to go nuke. It was a shame because the mod is superb but it is huge ( 6 thousand files in its script ) and it is not that easy to handle it.


As you see, that is my play style. I used to play as a warrior before and as bowman ( easier and not fun ) so I decided to go as a pure mage and I found it more fun than anything else. Skyrim for me must be a war zone, otherwise it will be a very boring game. I also have Forgotten Dungeons, More bandit camps, and everything that will enhance my combat. Do not have any combat mod because the majority requires SkyUI and I do not like that mod, not yet. I do have SKSE but not the other. For me then, it is : a lot of enemies spawning at the same time, magic, followers, one good house mod, Vivid weathers, one ENB, Vivid Landscapes ( excellent to enhanced everything ), enhanced unrelenting force shout, etc, etc. .... I do not use at all : Open Cities, True Storms, Wet and Cold, iNeed, etc, etc. .... I have been thinking about iNeed lately and I probably install it but the rest I already tried them out and I did not like them at all.


Maybe that help you to understand why I do not have that many mods but again, everybody play his/her game the way they want to with the amount of mods everybody wants to. No problem with that at all but when you are new to modding, it is better to start with a few and move to more mods as you are getting the necessary experience. I already know how to use SSEEdit and I have also my own custom mods for myself, so my magic is much better that what Phenderix and Apocalipsys magic can offer. Happy gaming !

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