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hi. i was going to learn how to mod skyrim myself sense nobody seems to have any mods i like. i plan on taking months on top of months to learn everything. i was wondering which tools should i be studying on how to use, i know of one called blender but that's about it. to Make amour,hairstyles,animations. which tools would i need to know how to use? can you name them for me. thank you.
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Some common ones...


1. Modeling (create 3D models)

Blender (free)


Cinema 4D



2. Texturing (create textures, you import the model and paint on it)



Sculptris (free)


3. Image Editor (texture fine tuning and texture map creation)

Gimp (free)



4. Tools

Nifskope (free) - to edit NIF Files, they contain 3D models, skeleton, object data and much more - some kind of container for game files

FO3ArchiveUtility (free) - to extract Skyrim's original files like nif files, textures, sounds and so on

CK - well, no need for explanation


5. Plugins

Nvidia DDS plugin (for Gimp/PS) - to create the texture maps, DDS = format for textures

NIF plugin (for Blender/3DsMax) - to directly edit NIF files in the 3D Editor, vital for animations and to attach armor/clothing/skin to the skeleton so it stays in position when you move.


Most download links are in my signature tutorial's video description.



Edited by ghosu
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