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what requirements for papyrus scripting for sse


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I'm willing to dive into scripting portion of modding as the mod that I haphazardly put together does not function without scripts..


That said, my problem is I do not know where and what programs/files/items I must use in order to script for skyrim special edition.


Would some experienced modders please help shed light on this matter for me :) thank you,

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You just need the CK to attach the scripts to stuff, you can write them within the CK or any text program.

If you want to get fancy then you can setup autocompletion, syntax highlighting, etc on various editors:


Edited by FrankFamily
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  • 2 weeks later...

Agreed. I'm trying to do the same thing. I learned that the Papyrus compiler is a separate package for instance. I'm now bringing up CK to see if I can figure this out. I'm a retired computer programmer so scripting is my strongest talent. It would feel good to simply alter or create new scripts. Maybe someday I'll create something to post on the Nexus.

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Agreed. I'm trying to do the same thing. I learned that the Papyrus compiler is a separate package for instance. I'm now bringing up CK to see if I can figure this out. I'm a retired computer programmer so scripting is my strongest talent. It would feel good to simply alter or create new scripts. Maybe someday I'll create something to post on the Nexus.


Although you can run the Papyrus compiler stand-alone as a command line .exe, it is also integrated into the CK so you can 'Build' (i.e. compile) scripts inside the CK. That's generally easier, especially if you are a beginner with Papyrus, because you get immediate feedback about errors.


You may find the Papyrus section of the CK Wiki helpful.

Edited by OldMansBeard
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And if you're an experienced programmer read the CK Wiki section describing how Papyrus is different very carefully. Papyrus is an object-oriented, event-driven scripting language where scripts are equivalent to classes, but instances of those scripts can only be created by creating objects in the game world itself not through arbitrary calls from Papyrus. Each script must be attached to some object in the game (although quests, perks, and other similar singleton objects count).

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