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a combat dummy npc with limitless health for damage testing purposes.


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Was hoping for a stationary dummy npc that is essential with a near limitless health and instant health regeneration after out of combat which you can test out your damage output on.


Reason I am asking is I hate having to agro random npcs which have differing resistances or croaks too soon for the damage out put tests I've been running.


Also would put floating health bar and damage script to good use.



Edited by 3aq
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There is a mod that used something similar that you might want to have a look at: "Magical College of Winterhold". It converts a statue (placed in the hall of elements) into a dmg taking dummy that you can train your destruction magic on. I don't know how that author did it, but I'm sure if you have a look at it in ck, you could figure something out.

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