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Return Wuuthrad to Jorrvaskr


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I dunno about everyone else, but I always felt a little guilty about hanging on to Wuuthrad after the whole Companions questline. Maybe someone could mod in the ability to return this legendary weapon to a place of honor in the mead hall of Ysgramor. :)
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There is already a display near the stairs which holds the fragments of it. Just mod it so after you become Harbinger the whole weapon can be mounted there. I never wanted to use it, but I didn't want to stash it away or leave it with the statue in a tomb in the middle of nowhere. Edited by LordAvernus
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  • 4 months later...
I would love if someone released a mod to put it at its place of honor in Jorrvaskr! I have plans to complete this quest line but 0 to use the weapon myself. A weapon with so much history needs a proper place of rest with those who would appreciate it. Not in a forgotten tomb or a random player home!
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  • 6 months later...

Old topic, but has anyone got the time and skill to do this? Hopefully it wouldn't be that difficult, but I'm not too good with the CK.

Edited by sweagle
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