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Help with Darnified UI


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Well I downloaded the newest version of Darnified UI and it appears that the file is missing a portion of itself. Since when I download it as a FOMOD it has no description and doesn't work when I start up the game. And when I try to manually install it, it appears to be missing a file "DUIF3Extras.esp" and I have no clue where to put the menu folder, since just putting in in Data just makes my game crash.
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Since when I download it as a FOMOD it has no description and doesn't work when I start up the game.

Do you know how to install a mod that has the FOMod format?


If not:

Open FoMM, click "Package manager" -> "Add FOMod".


Then browse to wherever you have the Darnified UI Fomod. The darnified UI mod should then be added to the package manager mod list.


Select it, then click "Activate". It should then install itself automatically.

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