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So Bethesda has announced Dishonored, its gritty new Steampunk stealth/assassination thriller. It's hard not to be impressed by the trailer...the graphics, the abilities, all the different ways to achieve your goals...


But does it have what you want?



For me personally, the game looks amazing, but I'd really rather not buy a game that I can't make my own like Skyrim or Oblivion or FNV. So far, based on what we're told about Dishonored, you're forced into the role of a premade protagonist, and you have no options for changing him in any way (or playing as a her...). There's a lot of requests on Bethesda's official forums for a modding kit as in previous titles, but will they listen? Will they allow you the freedom to play the character you want or will it just be another un-customizable Steampunk title in a growing list without any player freedom at all?


I truly hope they'll add these features. I'd hate to see the potential in a game like this squandered...

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My first problem is, its fps..i never cared about these types of games...no matter how much abilities they put in, its still just an fps to me.

Second problem...premade protagonist, i guess that speaks for itself.


So far i dont really care about this game.

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Well, it's being made by a totally different developer. So i'm not expecting a similarity between this game and Skyrim. Just because a title is from Bethesda Softworks doesn't mean that it'll be in the same vein as a game made by Bethesda Game Studios.


Beats me why would they ask the publisher for a SDK instead of asking the developers first.


Maybe its because its the publisher's decision if a game should have SDK or not? Don't know, not sure.

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Looks too much like a steampunk halflife clone.


I thought the gleaming failure of Brink should have been enough of a clue to Bethsoft to stay away from FPS games. I'll hold off final judgment until there are actual gameplay videos instead of cinematics (even crappy games can look good in cinematics) though.

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I saw the trailer myself a few days ago.


I'm not sure what to think of it, really. I like the direction Beth is heading in, and the story, and how the world looks so far, but I'm going to need more to convince myself to a commitment to this title. But to be honest, I have high hopes that Beth has something good going for them with this one.

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I loved Arx Fatalis and will be more than willing to give Arkane money based on that, I will even overlook the playing yet another male main character, for a chance to run around a bit in that world.


What? I need new steam punky fashion ideas :woot:

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