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Two Issues, one with textures and the other with Mo2


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Current mods installed via the mod organizer SEE ----> modwat.ch/u/ste1214



I'm having an issue after following the BOSS Guide

I'm only up to step 8, so nowhere near finished but I loaded it up to test the mods and noticed the issue with the textures which mismatch and also look flat instead of 3d.

The problem is that the textures do not match up on the walls, only checked river wood, I've not checked anywhere else.

I've installed the texture mods and then installed the city mods, could this be the issue?

Installed most the texture mods in the guide (not OLDRIM ones though)

The second problem is that Beyond Skyrim - Bruma Moonpath to Elsweyr Synergy Patch is requesting a missing master ----> JRMoonpathToElsweyerPatch.esp in mod organizer.

I have the JRMoonpathBrumaPatch.esp but am unable to find the JRMoonpathElsweyrPatch. esp


any help would be great thanks









Mod list below:






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I can't really help with the first problem

but as to the second problem , I would recommend asking in the specific mod's page

the author seems to be really active , so I'm sure you'll get his help easily

I couldn't find any record of such a plugin , so I don't know what it might be , but I'm sure the author will know

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I can't really help with the first problem

but as to the second problem , I would recommend asking in the specific mod's page

the author seems to be really active , so I'm sure you'll get his help easily

I couldn't find any record of such a plugin , so I don't know what it might be , but I'm sure the author will know


Okay thanks

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