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Anyone knows what bethesda was thinking about atacking fallout posters


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I do not know if I get banned for asking this but I wanted to know an answer to this question.


So bethesda was suportting fan made content ( I meant modding ) but she threaten the owner of fallout poster website with lawsuit to take down the posters from that site.


I really do not get it, from thing bet is promoting modding and from other thing she wants even to lawsuit people who creates posters for that game, do not get it at all.


Anyone have info about this ?

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Don't know what you're talking about but modding is one thing, making merchandise or using trademarks in any way without a license is not something you should expect to be able to get away with for long.

It might seem like shabby behavior but if you don't defend your trademarks, you will lose them.

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Don't know what you're talking about but modding is one thing, making merchandise or using trademarks in any way without a license is not something you should expect to be able to get away with for long.

It might seem like shabby behavior but if you don't defend your trademarks, you will lose them.


It was fan made content like modding is, they had no profit from it like modders don't. Modders share their fan made stuff on sites like nexus, and some people are artist that love to draw and want to share their their skills with others thus sharing theirs works.


There are many fan made drawings on the internet, many drawings about morrowind, oblivion, skyrim and etc.


So I really do not get why bet wants to atack people like that.


fallout posters com was like fallout nexus, the only difference is that they made drawing, posters instead of modifications.


And yet bets is atacking people like that but modding is ok in 100%. You do not see the irony here ?

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This is because wit hthe games mods people still require the game to play the mods and therefore the mods are still the property of Bethesda. Posters on the other hand, even when not for profit by the artist, the creators of the content in which the poster resembles is still the property of Bethesda. Therefore they do not want it to be used as the artist would be gaining recognition by using Bethesda property.


It all has to do with intellectual property rights which not only includes artwork, music etc etc, it also includes the concept which these posters would be based on.

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All these companies are jerks about this now. It's probably just some fan site who re-posted some Fallout Posters and now they are on the warpath over it. I could see it, if they are trying to re-sell something or making a profit somehow from those works, but in most of these cases, the fans aren't making a dime.


Thing is in most cases, I doubt they would ever loose a dime over it. I did however read some good news on this front - could end up costing the MPAA $9Million +




I'm all for Intellectual Property rights and ownership rights, but this garbage is out of hand.

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Here's a link - no, she was 'modding' fallout posters and they are giving her crap over it, jerks. This is what makes me want to just not bother with their games at all anymore.




So why the inequality Bethesda? You let this very site here exist and functionally, these two in this concept aren't much different - offering up 'customizations' on the Fallout Games...

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I suggest people try asking Bethesda directly about this. Send e-mails, phone their reps, etc.


Be polite, with absolutely no "form" letters or spamming or "clever" stuff, and express your ongoing support of the game. Then make it clear that you consider Bethesda's actions here to be WAY out of line.


Not saying Bethesda will step up, grow a pair and announce "We did wrong, and we apologize...". But if they perceive some kind of backlash, even a small one, they might start to get a clue. Not like they have to be flooded with messages, either.


The general rule is that less than 5% of people ever get mad enough to actually write in and complain about something. So, if even just a couple dozen complaints get to the right place, that gives them food for thought.

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