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Oblovion reloade and lod


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Finally. After struggeling to make Oblivion work as it should, I finally got rid of al CTD's. Now Oblivion works as it should - hours of playing I didn't get CTD not even once. Thought I followed everything in BeviLex's instructions brfore - but it was my mistake - I dodn't. Now I took time and did it as it should, and now it works great. But I have one more problem. I have installed Oblivion reloaded and LOD's for the game. The game runs fine, just problem is, that when I play with LOD's enabled in my game alongside with Oblivion reloaded, I have noticed that Some LOD items (rocks, some structures in distance) are acting strange. I mean, they disapearing and appearing even if I don't move. Like they are there and suddenly they desappear and in few seconds they appear and after that they apear again and so on. I don't have this problem if I use LOD's without Oblivion reloaded. So what can be wrong - since Olivion relaoded don't change any landscape or something like that that could cause this problem. I tried to install LOD before installing Oblivion Reloaded, the problem was there (with this I mean I installed LOD first and than Oblivion reloaded). And the problem was there, so I installed LOD after installing Oblivion reloaded, and the problem was still there. Without Oblivion reloaded LOD's work fine.

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