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How to change character eyes/skintone


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I have Dunmer but I really hate those eyes and skintones. I wish for a pale skintone without being a vampire and nicer eyes without yellow "white" part.


Is there any mod I could use? I don't want to play with other race. Redguard first, now I want to play with an elf :)

Sorry if it's wrong section. I cannot really find other fittin to my question ;/

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I really need to write more about problesm ^ ^"

I cannot change eyes. I mean I downloaded all mods where elves were included and indeed I got something like 15 more pairs of eyes, but all of them look the same as those in-game, just... repeated many times. All mods works for human races, tho. Same with sliders, I got guy with long law and cannot change it. Eh...

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It's true that use of "showracemenu" will reset a character's stats if you alter the race. However, any use of it will reset all the character's default customization settings. The first time I did this (to try to further tweak a few facial characteristics) I was dumbfounded (to say nothing of being incredibly annoyed) that Bethesda would build this sort of inane behavior into the system. It should just load your current character's appearance and let you tweak from there. That's pretty much a no-brainer, I would think.
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