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Nuka Grenade/Bottlecap Mine Launcher


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Here's another crazy, but cool idea: a Nuka Grenade/Bottlecap Mine launcher. It looks and works like a Fat Man, but can be used to launch Nuka Grenades or place Bottlecap Mines. Only problem is both items I mentioned for the use of this weapon are weapons themselves. Any thoughts about changing that? Edited by QuinnMallory45
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If you want to make a copy of a weapon, just open that weapon's base object (I think the Fat Man launcher is WeapFatMan) and change it's unique ID to something starting with your initials. Then close and the GECK will ask if you want to make a new form, click yes and you should now have a new weapon with the same stats as the Fat Man. You can then open the new weapon and change a few variables, but the explosion isn't stored in the weapon, it's stored in the projectile. The same process can be used to copy the projectile and change it's explosion though.


If you have the latest version of the GECK, there's an option for explosions to have a placed object appear where the explosion happens, this might be usefull for planting a bottlecap mine but it might be easier to just make a changed copy of the mine projectile that gets thrown further.

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