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Death sentence : an eye for an eye


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For the most part, murderers end up with life in prison. Not much chance of redemption there either....... not to mention recidivism rates...... For folks that kill for just a few bucks, I have zero sympathy for them, and yes, I would happily strap them down, and push the plunger, throw the switch, pull the trigger, whatever. Is that cold-blooded? Perhaps, but, no more so than the killer that robs a shop owner for a few bucks, and then kills him. Or the man that breaks into the family home, rapes the mother, and 9 year old daughter, while the husband, and teenaged daughter is forced to sit and watch, steals their truck, and drives away. I would have absolutely NO problem inflicting a significantly more painful death than what death row inmates are facing now.......
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I still think people need to use empathy and forget moral codes. Put yourself in their position before you are so quick to want to kill people. The way I see it you are either killing someone with a serious mental handicap, or killing someone who made a huge mistake and will regret it.


Should we be slaughtering people with mental issues?

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I still think people need to use empathy and forget moral codes. Put yourself in their position before you are so quick to want to kill people. The way I see it you are either killing someone with a serious mental handicap, or killing someone who made a huge mistake and will regret it.


Should we be slaughtering people with mental issues?



Yes, that's my point! Not all of us are completely equipped with a light bulb that fully works upstairs. I'm not saying let murder's and rapists run rampant throughout our streets. What I am saying is that these people have obvious disorders they can't help, and some are tricked into the delusion that this is what they MUST do. Justice served by ending their life is quite simply unjustifiable. It just isn't the proper way to solve the problem. The way I see it, it's just the easy way out to a much larger problem society faces today.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Forget our morals? Are you seriously saying that we should dispense with every single right-or-wrong aspect that has been taught either by another or by cruel and nice experiences?


I don't know what true human nature is, and I can't hazard a guess except there isn't one. Some people are born with natural goodness, and some are born with the other brand. I will mostly argue Freewill in this matter, but that's not the point I am trying to make. How can any of us actually know what human nature is when we are so diverse, both in thought and reason?


However, my conscience is clear on the matter at end. Anyone with the audacity to take an innocent life should not be given the benefit of pity or compassion. We may mourn the circumstances that lead to the murder, but we should not mourn the man himself. I would be more then happy myself to pull the trigger on anyone who threatens me, my family, or my friends. I am usually a gentle, empathetic man, but I wrath is all the more because of it. If killing a murderer is wrong, then I won't lose any sleep tonight, that I can assure you.


If someone was to break into your home and threaten your loved ones, would you meekly stand aside and allow them to pillage your home, with your family cowered into a corner? Would you try to empathized with a man that is pointing a gun in your face or in your wife's face? Maybe it's your children's face, or your bother's, sister's, mother's?

Edited by saadus
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I still think people need to use empathy and forget moral codes. Put yourself in their position before you are so quick to want to kill people. The way I see it you are either killing someone with a serious mental handicap, or killing someone who made a huge mistake and will regret it.


Should we be slaughtering people with mental issues?


The killers don't seem to do that..... and those that are indeed mentally 'unbalanced' do indeed get considerations. Still and all, the majority of them kill, have zero remorse, won't be rehabilitated, and if turned loose, will kill again. Personally, I would rather just whack 'em dead, be done with it, and NOT give them the chance to kill again. A fair few of the folks that I am talkin' about killed without a second thought. And for truly stupid reasons.


Another vote for the death penalty would be removing said killers from the gene pool.... improve the human race? Hopefully.

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Yes, forget morals. Morals are pointless if you have the ability to use empathy.


The circumstance is what is important, not the killing itself. What about military actions or self defense? There are certainly justifiable reasons for murder, and sometimes justifiable illegal reasons for murder.


You are confusing rapid action with the death penalty. I have no problem with shooting someone if I have to disable them. If said person is already captured and no longer poses a threat, that is when I am against it.


I will ask again, why should we be killing people with serious mental handicaps? Why should we be killing people that make a single mistake in their life and regret it forever?

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Is that cold-blooded? Perhaps, but, no more so than the killer that robs a shop owner for a few bucks, and then kills him. Or the man that breaks into the family home, rapes the mother, and 9 year old daughter, while the husband, and teenaged daughter is forced to sit and watch, steals their truck, and drives away.

So your personal moral standard is to be slightly better than a child rapist?


Sorry, but that just doesn't work. For society to prevent crime, it must work on a moral standard far above that of criminals, and it must never stoop to their level. That means it's completely off the table for the State to murder people because it's convenient.

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I dont claim to be "better than" anyone. I am not a child rapist, nor do I kill people for reasons other than self-defense, or, in defense of others. (death penalty falls into this category as well.) Certainly not because he only has 50 bucks in the drawer, and I need 75 for my next fix....... I do not shoot to wound, I shoot to KILL. A DEAD assailant is no longer a threat.


Maybe I am jaded due to age/experience, maybe I am cold blooded, maybe I am just a different flavor of sociopath. In any case, I have my views, and I seriously doubt anyone here is going to convince me to be more 'touchy feely', and 'forgive' the murderers. Not gonna happen. So far as I am concerned, if you are a convicted murderer, you might just as well be dead, as live better than those whose lives you have impacted forever, and absorb tax money..... Screw that.

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I seriously doubt anyone here is going to convince me to be more 'touchy feely', and 'forgive' the murderers.

There's a difference between forgiving someone and refraining from murdering them.

The individual who commits murder is the 'murderer' the state does not murder , it lawfully executes a convicted murderer. The difference is vast though both victim and perpetrator both are dead and the symmetry is balanced. In this I side with HY. The big difference is that the perpetrator had a choice which his victim never had, so forgive me if my pity is minimal.

Edited by Aurielius
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