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Classic Racing Games


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Which one was better? Mario Kart or Diddy Kong Racing? I liked both of them. They had vibrant colours, an innocent atmosphere, and great competative moments. They were both fun when you had four people playing. What do you think?
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mario kart 64

diddy kong racing was more a adventure game with karts which got real odl real annoying real fast

mario kart is god damn cheap but at least fun to play when you can stand it

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  • 2 weeks later...
I remember on Sega there was a game "Roсk'n'Roll Racing" - it was a damn cool thing :biggrin: with awesome MIDI-soundtrack (Black Sabbath, White Lion and other old Hard'n'Heavy bands) I wonder if anyone has this soundtrack (in MIDI exactly) :biggrin:
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I remember on Sega there was a game "Roсk'n'Roll Racing" - it was a damn cool thing :biggrin: with awesome MIDI-soundtrack (Black Sabbath, White Lion and other old Hard'n'Heavy bands) I wonder if anyone has this soundtrack (in MIDI exactly) :biggrin:


Better on the snes, the sega version wasn't all that great, the sound what gave it the edge 44100 8bit digital :thumbsup: .



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I remember on Sega there was a game "Roсk'n'Roll Racing" - it was a damn cool thing :biggrin: with awesome MIDI-soundtrack (Black Sabbath, White Lion and other old Hard'n'Heavy bands) I wonder if anyone has this soundtrack (in MIDI exactly) :biggrin:


Better on the Snes, the Sega version wasn't all that great. Because the snes had a the edge when it came to sound. 44100 8bit digital sound.



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