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The game does not start (f4se)


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Well hello!
I can't find the reason of my problem by myself, so i here for asking you for a help.
Everything was all OK yesterday. I played Fallout4 through f4se. Double click and game started. The game doesn't want to start at all.
It's starting though its own launcher, but not f4se. There is no "ERROR" massages or any "WARNINGs", no black screen etc, it just doesn't want to start at all.
I searched information on the official site, steam etc. Nothing.
Maybe there was some updates in game and i just need to wait for new f4se version?

Thanks in advance.

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The Fallout 4's expectable was updated today.


Mods that add files to the Fallout4\Fallout 4\Data\Interface folder may stop the game from loading.


I play Fallout 4 with a 3440 X 1440 widescreen monitor. The mods I use to make the game compatible with widescreen are not compatible with Creation Club era execute files. I use a pre CC executable to get the game working again.


You may have the same type of problem.


Good Luck

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Yeah, same problem. Unrelated to mods. F4SE crashes upon launch, but running the .exe with the included launcher will launch the game. FO4 version && F4SE February - March 2018 (little outdated) - Win7 64 Pro - Issue doesn't seem related to anything which can be removed by a process of elimination. Disabled Mods. Disabled DLC. Removed HUD/UI. Disabled Plug-In & Archive Invalidation. Disabled Steam Overlay. Disabled Video Card Overlay.



Really it's too much of a pain to further diagnostics at this point. It would be better in my case to update the game via Steam, then verify integrity of game cache. Then use Steam to create a backup install .exe for Fallout 4. Un-install the game. Take a copy & compress the remaining root folder for the game, .ini config, and hidden app data folder (though only if I wanted to keep it) Come back with a fresh install & $40 worth of Creation Club or $40 worth of junk food, depending, and update it all.



That really is a shame. It's been increasingly difficult to establish a stable & custom build this year. That's why we have things like SkyrimSE & Oldrim. LOL, let's be honest though. These last few builds of the game haven't been all that great. I believe it's a much better plan to approach this next build very focused on gathering one type of required content at a time. As a example Armor, Weapons, Food, Crafting, or the many game mechanic & immersion based types of content.

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