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Quest Improvement: Thane of Eastmarch w/stopping Civil War


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Not having any background in modding, I'm not sure if this suggestion would be doable as a mod, or if it would really take Bethesda to implement it.


I think it's kind of crappy that the Dragonborn can't become Thane of Eastmarch/purchase Hjerim after negotiating a truce in the Civil War.


Even after helping the citizens of Eastmarch, capturing a murderer, and saving Skyrim from the dragons, all Ulfric wants to talk about is Balgruuf. Giving how reverent Ulfric is regarding the Greybeards and the Dragonborn (and of course, Talos), to me it makes sense that after the truce, along with the other things I just mentioned, the Dragonborn would be given a thaneship (which is really just an honorary title anyway), and be allowed to buy property. Special status in the eyes of Eastmarch. Obviously new voice dialog for this isn't an option, but new AI/conversation options could be added to make things a bit more immersive.


It certainly doesn't make sense to go all Stormcloaky after negotiating the truce, just so one can become thane and buy Hjerim. I mean, this is an RP game after all. In my opinion, once the truce is negotiated, "Join the..." should be removed from the quest log if they were even there. One should no longer have the option to enlist in either army. Don't even get me started on how dragons keep attacking post-defeat of Alduin.


Anyway, thanks for reading!

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