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Mojave Base Crawler


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That looks great. Good job.




Now i have been busy (between doing this mod, looking after the kids etc etc), I have atleast finished most of the outside.

I still need to retexture the tracks and suspenstion (not till tommoz) and i need to make the interior world spaces.


But this is what i got so far.


The crawler is located just outside Red Rock Canyon or some such. Nice open area with New Vegas just over the hill.


Heres some pics



This is on the ground a short distance away



Tower from the left side ramp



Tower from the right side ramp



Looking at the front from the right side ramp


Features so far.


- 2 access ramps (Left and Right) plus stairs leading to the body of the crawler

- Indutrial machines throughout (More Mech look)

- Covered area for work benches (To Do)

- Balcony up high on tower (Only accessable when interior for tower is done)


Great place to stick your Wasteland Defender fort, plenty of space


I will be making a post in mods soon

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DUDE! I could frigging kiss you!

...Except for the fact kisses don't transfer well over the internet, and you already have a spouse and children, the former of which would likely slaughter me if I did such a thing, with the latter would be permanently traumatized for all time due to the horrific scenes shown them from rage-induced murderous creativity involving toothpicks, gumdrops, sporks, and a license plate.


...Anyways, yes, that particularly massive crawler is EXACTLY what I speak of. The one in FO3's Broken Steel was distinctly rusty, with that recently-restored vibe to it.

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DUDE! I could frigging kiss you!

...Except for the fact kisses don't transfer well over the internet, and you already have a spouse and children, the former of which would likely slaughter me if I did such a thing, with the latter would be permanently traumatized for all time due to the horrific scenes shown them from rage-induced murderous creativity involving toothpicks, gumdrops, sporks, and a license plate.


...Anyways, yes, that particularly massive crawler is EXACTLY what I speak of. The one in FO3's Broken Steel was distinctly rusty, with that recently-restored vibe to it.


uummm... thanks... lol


check it out here... Mysterious Crawler

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Thank you very much, that help a lot.


Other than a few hitches, i have finally got the crawler in game for you to have a look at.


This is just the main parts of the crawler. (no platforms, doors etc)

I also believe that the textures for the tracks and suspention were not included. they appear black in game.




Hrm... well, from what I've seen while hunting Deathclaws in Quarry Junction, you could use the tread textures from the excavators and such. Needs to be upsized (a lot) and redone (a little) to fit a crawler of that size, but they'd get that "recently restored and somewhat rusty" look you're going for.


As for the suspension system... likely going to have to hand-craft the textures there, unless I find a good spot of inspiration for them.


Honestly, I surprised though... the resources for the Base Crawler were hidden in the Old World Blues BSAs... makes sense, in a way... OWB is a post-apocalypse techno-industrial set-up. Would've been more surprised if it'd been hiding in the Lonesome Road BSAs.


And, go figure... one of the biggest vehicles in the Fallout series successfully hid itself from damn near everyone, until I'd posted my request.


...Hm... The Robobrains have a suspension texture on them. Could use that, though you'd have to rework and seriously amp up the size and design to fit the Base Crawler.


Any ideas as to where you're going to park it in the final version of the mod? If not, I could start looking for places to park something that passes for a mobile town.


Of course, leaving it on the Ivanpah Dry Lake is a good idea, too. Don't really mind either way...

We could always park it near the Horowitz Farmstead. Or El Dorado Dry Lake. Both have some serious open terrain going for them, enough for a crawler this size, and room to spare.

Edited by Hyoukage
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Hrm... well, from what I've seen while hunting Deathclaws in Quarry Junction, you could use the tread textures from the excavators and such. Needs to be upsized (a lot) and redone (a little) to fit a crawler of that size, but they'd get that "recently restored and somewhat rusty" look you're going for.

As for the suspension system... likely going to have to hand-craft the textures there, unless I find a good spot of inspiration for them.


Honestly, I surprised though... the resources for the Base Crawler were hidden in the Old World Blues BSAs... makes sense, in a way... OWB is a post-apocalypse techno-industrial set-up. Would've been more surprised if it'd been hiding in the Lonesome Road BSAs.


And, go figure... one of the biggest vehicles in the Fallout series successfully hid itself from damn near everyone, until I'd posted my request.


...Hm... The Robobrains have a suspension texture on them. Could use that, though you'd have to rework and seriously amp up the size and design to fit the Base Crawler.


Any ideas as to where you're going to park it in the final version of the mod? If not, I could start looking for places to park something that passes for a mobile town.


At the moment, i have it parked between Bonnie Springs and Red Rock Canyon. That big open space.

Kuroitsune is working on navmeshing the interior then he is going to look into the missing textures.

Me, im up to my neck making the lower interior levels (Trying to decide if i should make 3 seperate levels or one massive level),

then im going to start studying a few mods that i should be able to incorporate, so the crawler wont be a giant footlocker on tracks.

Plus i have had quite a few request bout making it move, so im looking into that too.


Also it is now up in Uploaded Files


Mysterious Crawler Official comment topic

Edited by MjrMoose
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You can make it one big cell, but it would be a good idea to use room markers to split the cell into pieces to cut down on the rendering. I can do that part rather easily if you need help.


That would be a good idea. I said split it into three levels, rather than a massive three-story level, but this'd work, too.

I posted a link in the crawlers' comment thread about a good porta-turret mod.


Also, I left a performance review, as it were, regarding the interior. Great job so far, this is definitely what I was looking for.

And, it'll make a good home base. Fit some of the tricks they pulled with the Underground Hideout, and I think this'll be a perfect replacement, as honestly, bunkers get old, fast... Especially when you search "bunker", and your search tool goes "OMFG! I SEE DA BUNKERS!", and you get something like 100+ results a page for 5 pages.

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BTW you should add a zoo..for animals..mo mod friendly.Something like the underwater house does..Once you capture then you can do get a researcher team to study,,and a R&D team to make new weapons,,if it is gonna be a mobile base,,it need to be something unique ,,not just a house,,,a base of operations. Also a Heli pad for the Vertibird mod, I mean if your going big GO ALL OUT!
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