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Dragon's Dogma to PC?


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I was surprised to see that no one seems to have made a topic of this yet (couldn't find anything while searching at least), but here is a video for those of you who havn't heard of this game before:


Usually I don't really care much about petitions, but after the recent success of the "Dark souls for PC" petition, and CAPCOM's recent statement Dragon's Dogma PC Version Possible if PC Users Are Vocal Enough, I thought I would make this topic in hope to persuade others interested to sign the current petition:



Even same-sex romances has been confirmed XD (I think they have taken a peek on Dragon age, among other games).

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Finally some footage to look at. Thank You.


I stumbled across the petition already yesterday or so, but they didn't even give a link or a description what it's about, just saying it's a game and it's from Capcom definitely wasn't enough for getting people interested. :ermm:


This video serves the purpose ten times better than the petition page itself. Now you at least know what you're petitioning for.

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New hands-on preview:


The pawn system looks really interesting, where you can "share" your own companions with others and let them return with rewards. What kind of rewards? Experience, and with that I don't mean "experience points": Instead they remember what kind of quests they have done before while being used by other players. So if you for example encounter a new monster for the first time, chances are that one of your companions have already defeated one of the same kind before while being in another player's party, and can give you advice on its weaknesses.

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