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need help with getting mods to work


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Could be a number of things. First we'll need more information.


1) Operating system (Windows 7, Vista or Windows XP)

2) Install location for the game (C:\Program Files or C:\Games)

3) Do you have Shivering Isles installed

4) Version of the game (shown on the bottom left corner of the menu screen when you start the game ... should be 1.2.0416)

5) Does the game work without any mods installed

6) Are you using any utilities (e.g. Oblivion Script Extender)


The problem could be rooted in any of those, or a combination of those, or something else altogether but those are the things we'll need to find out first.

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i fixed it i hade my vid card setings to low lol.


oh an i'm using Windows XP


AMD Phenom X4 at 3.5 GHz

2 GB of 1333 DDR 3 Ram

XFX HD 5750 with 1 GB Ram


so it's not my system thank you for helping me even though i fixed it an thank you for being there to help.

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No problem ... thanks for reporting back with your solution. Having Win XP does have it's advantages (no worries with UAC gumming up the works on you, I'm an XP dinosaur myself). With the exception of your CPU being a bit quicker and video card a bit newer our systems are comparable. Enjoy the game and mods.
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