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Nifskope recoloring issue


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I was making a new logo for the main menu:




I already started to retexture her as you can see, but I don't know how to change her skin and her hair color in nifskope (or in some other way, notice that she's a static object that appears randomly in the load screens and not a common NPC). There is only two skin textures as far as I know, one for males and other for females, it gets "dyed" somehow, but I don't know how to do it in nifskope, and the same with the hair.


I'm also figuring out how to customize the main menu, of somebody already knows how to do it I'll thank the help.



P.S.: And sorry for my awful english

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When you click on the hair you see its NiTriShape highlighted, inside you'll find BSLightingShaderProperty | BSShaderTextureSet that leads to a texture BUT when you click on the NiTriShapeData in this block you see the entry HAS VERTEX COLORS: YES => you can open this entry and you will see that each single point uses his own vertex color ...could take a while to change them all and i know no method to select/change them all.




So i would recommend just to recolor the texture itself:





The logo from main menu is saved in:



So you have to save your file as ...Skyrim\data\meshes\interface\logo\logo.nif


You have to change the models size/position/rotation since the original logo uses different coordinates...but this could be a problem since the body parts are weighted so they will get messed up when you change position or scale.


I've seen one or two threads that explain how to scale/change position of armor/skin without messing up so you have to sort that out ;)

Edited by ghosu
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