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HDT Armors causing CTD at Main Menu


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Help? I went and grabbed the skse hdtmempatch files, I've got XP32 extended, and I managed to get the one HDT armor from Nexus up and working - but anything from other sites don't. Is it a language thing? Do I need to translate the mods? I went through the enblocal.ini file and changed that, too. I don't know, I've googled everything and I can't find an answer. I've never had this problem with other mods and I don't even know where to start.

I'm sorry if I don't know right off the bat where to find any information you need, I've never had to ask for help so I don't know what files or information might be helpful.

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I get my mods from foreign websites quite frequently. Its not a language issue. However what might be an issue could be if the requirements for an armor or any mods downloaded from non english sites can pose. So you might wanna make sure that you find and translate the requirements from those websites.

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