Mandel95 Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 Howdy, I'm not the greatest modder in the world, but I think I have a somewhat okay understanding of how ordering works.âI use Mod Organizer and I am aware that FO3 is a little more tricky than games like Skyrim or even NV.My mod order is here: Anchorage.esmThePitt.esmBrokenSteel.esmPointLookout.esmZeta.esmCRAFT.esmCALIBR.esmFO3 Wanderer's Edition.esmMart's Mutant Mod.esmAlton,IL.esm(EVE.esm)RH_IRONSIGHTS.esmAWorldofPainFO3.esmUnofficialFallout3Patch.esmTenpennyTower Reborn.esm------------------------MMM.espMMM - Anchorage.esMMM - ThePitt.esMMM - BrokenSteel.esMMM - PointLookout.esMMM - Zeta.esMMM - Master.esMMM - NaturalSelection.esMMM - ToughTraders.esMMM - Zones.esAltonAddon.esp(RH_EVE_Bridge.esp)Fellout-pipboylight.espFellout-Full.espFellout-Anchorage.espFellout.BrokenSteel.espFellout-PointLookout.espFellout-Zeta.esp[MORE PERKSDree Perks.espDree Perks Anchorage.espDree Perks Pitts.espDree Perks Point Lookout.espDree Perks Mothership Zeta.espMoreQuestsAllInONe.espFasterMorePowerful [An Evening With Mr. Manchester]HeirApparent.esp [AIO - FWE ALL IN ONE]PLFewerItems.esp [in the Shadows of the Swamp]PLweightadjust.esp [AIO - FWE ALL IN ONE]IntoTheDeepWoods.esp [AIO - FWE ALL IN ONE]NotSoFast.esp [AIO - FWE ALL IN ONE]The Mantis Imperative [FWE ALL IN ONE](6 files total; all patches to Mantis Imperative?HZSmoothLight.esp [smoothLight Pip-boy enhancer]BLackWolf Backpack.esp(2 patches to BlackWolf Backpack)WeaponModKits.espWeaponModKits - Operation Anchorage.espWMK - ThePitt.espWMK - BrokenSteel.espWMK - PointLookout.espWMK - Zeta.espJericho.esp [new jericho outfit]underworldhome.espMonMorceauDAvion.esp [MyPieceofPlane]KillableChildren.espRealistic Interior Lighting.espRoboticsExpert.espFWE.espFWE - Anchorage.espFWE - The Pitt.espFWE - Broken Steel.espFWE - Point Lookout.espFWE - Zeta.espFWE - FollowersEnhancedBrokenSteel.espFWE - AlternateTravelFWE - OptionalRestoreTracers.espFWE - MergedEnhancedBloodTextures.espFWE - OptionalRestoreTracers.esp I think many of the problems came once I included Tenpenny Tower Reborn, but I am not sure. The game crashes quite frequently and I thought I'd try my luck on here, despite the fact that very little people still play FO3 (I imagine.)âI will say that I have-Alton,IL-Fellout-More Quests directly in my data folder, so I'm not sure if it's entirely redundant to have it in MO. I don't think some of the animation mods function to their full potential. I mainly had problems with EVE downloading so I sort of abandoned it.âAnyhow, any input is appreciated! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M48A5 Posted April 10, 2018 Share Posted April 10, 2018 There is a sample load order on the FWE description page. Scroll down the page and you will see it. For MMM, you do not need natural selection, zones respawn and tougher traders, they are part of FWE. You should be using the Updated Unofficial FO3 Patch. Also, read the page for proper load order for it. I think it should be immediately after Zets.esm. You are missing compatibility patches. See: You must read and understand the instructions or you will have problems. I don't use MO, so I cannot answer your question about redundancy. However, I think you should only have one instance of the mods loading, not two. Fwe-AlternateTravel.esp is flagged as an .esm with an .esp file extension and should be the last .esm/first .esp in your load order. When using Fellout-Full, you do not need the individual DLC plugins and it should be lower in your load order. Read the description page. However, the various DC Moods is better. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mandel95 Posted April 11, 2018 Author Share Posted April 11, 2018 So...I've mimicked my load order as close to the FWE's as possible.I got rid of MMM's natural selection, zones respawn, and tougher traders.I got an installer for the newest Unofficial FO3 Patch and ran the exe and I moved it under Zeta on MO.I went and got all the Blackened compatibility patches for my MODS and placed them directly in my DATA folder.I moved Alternate Travel to the beginning of the load order (it is an ESP)I have removed the Fellout DLC I am still experiencing some problems, any thoughts?(Thanks again, I really appreciate it!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M48A5 Posted April 11, 2018 Share Posted April 11, 2018 New load order? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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