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Bodyslide 2 and Outfit Studio preset issues


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The issue I am having with Bodyslide is that a preset I installed (Wench Body by lordkoz) for bodyslide 2 for CBBE v3.4 isnt applying to the body in bodyslide, outfit studio and in game.
The slider presets apply to the clothes but not the body.
After some research I found that one of the mods I have may have overwritten the body with its own, this is the CT77 vanilla armour replacer.
In bodyslide, the only bodies that show up are a bunch of UNP bodies and the CT77 body. CBBE doesnt even show up, it will show up in the preset dropdown but not the body/outfit dropdown.
When I use Outfit studio to try and modify anything, it cant load CBBE or the preset and from the error message i can only assume its becuase its and XML file. Though im not sure because I am incredibly new to bodyslide and outfit studio, more so outfit studio becuase I know how to at least modify and build/batch build with bodyslide.
I cant modify the CT77 body to fit the armour, and the only tutorials I find online even remotely related are about modifying armour to fit a body, I cant find one for the opposite. Now this may be becuase you cant do that but i wouldnt know that, im new to Bodyslide.
This part is the kick in the balls for me. I cant find any true beginners guides to bodyslide, only guides to people who know the basics.
Although, Even if I do find a beginners guide, it relates to virtually nothing im having an issue with. I think the problem I am having has either never happened before (which I doubt), it cant be fixed or the people who have had this problem know how to fix it and havent asked online for anyone else to see the solutiom.
The preset bodyslide im using is the WenchBody preset uploaded by lordkoz.
I have installed all of his mods to do with wenches and their prerequisites including the custom armours (though I doubt any of these are causing the issue)

Any help with this would be massively appreciated
(if you need further information along with pictures, let me know)

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If you have 'a bunch of unp bodies', then you've installed the UUNP files and not the CBBE ones. Also, you shouldn't even be using Outfit Studio. It's primarily a tool for modders, and 99% of users never have to use it. I would suggest you start over, removing BodySlide/CT77, and do these steps:


1. Install CBBE.

2. Install BodySlide and the CBBE files it comes with.

3. Install CBBE BodySlide compatible outfit mods (see the CBBE mod list).

4. Install presets.

5. Follow the walkthrough in my sticky, in the comments, on the BodySlide mod page.

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