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Geez I hate mods


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I never use mods, they seem to cause more problems than they're worth. But I just got Skyrim recently, and lured in by the screenshots of the Skyrim HD, I thought I'd give it a go. Did plenty of reading, the official Workshop seems the safest way to get mods, but the guy that writes the Skyrim HD doesn't like it. So the Nexus Manager seems very professional, I'll try that. Installed. Looks good.


Created account and downloaded the 4 files for the Skyrim HD pack, plus the UI for good measure. Watched he relevant YouTube tutorials and read a few forum pages to see what typical problems might arise.


Once the files finished downloading into the manager, I then downloaded the script thing to enable the UI. Placed the dll'd and exe into the Skyrim folder. Done. Now there's 2 tabs in the manager, Plugins and Mods, what's that all about. The instructions for the UI said to double click on it's entry under the mod tab to enable it. Righto. But wait a sec, what about the 4 x HD files that are also in the Mods tab as well as the plugins tab? So I better enable them too. Double click on the first one - done. But when I try the second one I get a warning message, its a newer version or something, do I want to upgrade? OK. Done. Same warning for the final 2 files.


But now I noticed that the Activate/Deactivate icons on the left, were only selected for the last HD file I enabled. Couldn't place ticks in the checkboxes, they are greyed out. wtf this is strange. Must be me, cause every instruction I read said if you use the manager, it will do everything for you.


Fire up the game - check the data files option just to see that everything looks good...now only the official HD packs are listed? OK that's right, somewhere it said that Skyrim wasn't aware of the other mods, they would just load up.


Fire the game up, no crashes, no errors so that's good. But no HD textures. The UI is there a;long with a whopping big warning that it can't detect the script thing so it wouldn't work properly.


I know the answer. Uninstalled all this junk. I knew this would be a waste of time, and count myself lucky I didn't destroy my Skyrim installation or save files, as others have experienced. The professional paid developers did a great job, and release official patches through official channels. Put the HD pack in the workshop then good to go. I can't undertand the numnut that writes the pack is screaming for attention and clicks with his music and facebook page yadayada... but he is missing probably millions of downloads of the HD pack to showcase his talents. Why???


Sadly my first and only experience with mods was exactly as I suspected. I'd rather be playing the game than screwing round with some geek hobbyists code. What a period (bwoft)

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when installing multi part mods using nmm, don't click the upgrade button - just click no. it doesn't understand mod parts yet, afaik, and assumes you're using different versions.


also you didn't boot Skyrim with SKSE. that's why SkyUI didn't work... IIRC, that only effects the sorting though.

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