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Rhaine blinked at Weyland's news, but said nothing. She was glad the threat from the lamia was finally dealt with, and she was also glad that they had all returned safely; it could have easily turned out otherwise. The Doomguide smiled as she watched him interact with his siblings. It seemed the warrior had finally achieved some measure of peace...although something else clouded his blue eyes, and it wasn't the drink.


Conall put a hand on Nawen's shoulder, "It's all right, friend. I understand your sentiments."


At that moment, they heard a clap of thunder from far off. Dagny raised her eyebrows and walked to the window, peering upwards at the darkening sky, "Looks like we got a bad one comin' like the lassie says. Hope this place isn't leaky."




Meanwhile, a silver dragon still weaved amongst the clouds above the city, enjoying the feel of the wind and the misty droplets of water on his shimmering skin. As the day had turned into afternoon, heading swiftly towards evening, he could feel the pressure abruptly dropping in the atmosphere. The dragon rolled over from his back to his belly midair, watching the approaching storm from the east with blinking silver eyes. Judging from the feeling in his scales, it was going to be a bad one. He hovered momentarily, unsure whether to go higher to get a better look or lower to land. Ultimately deciding for the former, he flapped his wings and began to drift higher.


Higher and higher he went, circling upwards. As he went, he kept his eyes on the approaching storm. It grew larger and larger the farther he went...circular in shape, lightning flashing almost constantly within.


Is this what humanoids call a 'hurricane?'


Judging from the path of the storm, it was heading right for Westgate.


The dragon's inner eyelid abruptly clicked shut against the rising moisture in the air as he continued watching. After a few breaths, he began making a dive for a landing spot. He had to warn his companions of the danger. He doubted that Westgate was prepared for such a monstrous storm - one that he was certain was not natural...




Suddenly, amidst a clap of thunder, Argyros entered the inn, a grim look of determination on his face. Rhaine rose from her seat, "Ah, there you are! I was beginning to think you had decided to leave us. It is good to see you again."


The pale elf inclined his head to her, "And you. I'm not leaving just yet. I was just out for some time to myself. Unfortunately, I have a bit of disturbing news to share. I do believe what you folk call a 'hurricane' is headed straight for us."


"A hurricane?" Conall's brow rose skeptically, "Those aren't natural on the Sea of Fallen Stars...I don't think."


Argyros met the paladin's gaze, "And I do not think this is a natural occurrence. Someone is controlling the weather."


Rhaine abruptly moved towards the door without a word, headed straight towards the docks; she had to warn Shalena. Once there, she found the half-elf and called out to her, "Captain! Believe it or not, we've got a hurricane headed this way...how can we protect the Sea Compass?"

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Shalena had just finished talking with another pirate captain when Rhaine approached her. She could see that the storm is heading their way and by the looks of it, it was a big one but she was surprised to hear that it's not just a regular storm but a hurricane.


"There were some pretty bad storms around Westgate but I've never heard about a hurricane in these parts," she said as she watched her men loading the last crates with supplies, "some other ships are leaving in hopes to outrun the storm and most of them won't make it." Shalena then looked back at Rhaine.


"Our only option I'm afraid is to leave altogether as well or just get the ship somewhere safer. These docks would do more harm than help to my ship. Mountains or even trees could provide a bit of protection against the wind, depending on their size and the direction from which the wind is blowing, Westgate's docks as you can see have neither."


Once her men finished loading the supplies, she ordered them to get down to the docks until they'll decide what to do. As she was thinking what to do she remembered something when she saw a quartermaster of another ship checking the list of supplies he had written on a parchment.


"Before we left Dilpur, I think, I got my hands on some scrolls that suppose to shrink objects." "Azhok," she adressed her half-orc quartermaster, "fetch me one of those scrolls." The half-orc nodded and went to the captain's cabin.


"I got these scrolls from a local wizard in case we'll have to stray farther from the docks again," Shalena explained, "I won't let anyone steal my ship."


When Azhok returned with the scroll, Shalena handed it to Rhaine. "The wizard who gave me these swore that they work, he even shrunk a crate with it but it was a crate and I'm not certain it would work on a ship. You have some magically gifted friends, don't you? You think any of them could check if it won't destroy my ship if we used it?" "It's either this, or we leave as soon as possible."

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Aera was quite displeased to hear about bad weather heading their way. Though she'd never seen a hurricane with her own eyes, she'd heard tales of them before and did not like the idea of one heading their way. "I like the water and the rain, usually... I don't think that I'm too excited about this weather, however."

Arva then made a lewd joke in her ear and was promptly shoved backward with all the force a weretiger could muster, falling on his bum into another guest's bowl of porridge.

Ianthe was quite excited about the weather, as all she could think of when she heard 'hurricane' was lots and lots of rain and flooding. She loved the water, and that was no secret.

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Marie's arrows whizzed right by him. Arland covered the short gap between them instantaneously and slammed his shoulder into Marie's stomach, winding her and knocking her to the pavement. He tried to pin her down with his foot, but she rolled away and strung her bow across her back, drawing a pair of wicked-looking hunting knives quite quickly.

"What in the hells do you expect those to do to Mithral armor?" Arland taunted as he parried her first attack with ease, and then her second, and her third with a bit more difficulty. Marie wasn't strong, but she was agile.

He countered her attacks by parrying and then quickly spinning off to the side and countering with two separate simultaneous strikes, forcing Marie ton the defensive. Arland rushed her, laying on the power behind his blows to either disarm her or make her arms go numb from the shock. Neither happened, and Arland had to admire her skill and force of will, if not her foresight and common sense. He swept at her feet with both blades, forcing her to jump to avoid them, and then he instantly changed directions, hitting her just as she came down from her jump, cutting deep into her side and disarming her of one of her blades. Marie gasped with pain and hit the ground.

"Are you DONE?" He demanded. "Don't make me finish you off, girl! That's not something I want to do, believe it or not! But force my hand, and I will." Marie struggled backwards as Arland stormed up to her, placing his armored boot on her chest, pinning her down. "Now are you going to cut it out?" Marie tried to drive one of her knives into the back of his knee. Arland kicked her in the knuckle, hard, and she let go. But he'd used the foot he'd pinned her down with to do it, and Marie rolled away and disappeared into the shadows. "One more chance. One. Attack me again, and you'll leave me no other options." He announced, glaring into the darkness. He saw a flicker of movement from a corner, and the arrow pierced his throat before he could react.

Arland fell onto his back, grasping at the shaft that stick out of his neck. He couldn't breathe, blood blocked his airways, and he began to panic. Marie fired another arrow, and Arland used the shoulder of his armor to block it, and it was quickly followed by another arrow that almost slipped through. Barely able to keep a clear head, Arland looked around for anything he could use to help himself. There was a shipping crate a mere few feet away that he rolled behind. One of Marie's arrows pierced the crate. A golden liquid began spraying out, covering the ground. That was when Arland got an idea. It could buy him enough time to get himself inside the inn to a healer. The inn was right beside him, and it was made of wood. He jammed one of his blades through the cracks in the wood, and he heard a few startled cries from inside. With any luck, that meant somebody would come to investigate. But even just ten seconds after he'd taken the arrow, he felt weaker.

Marie, however, fell right into his trap.

The stupid noble girl stood up from her hiding spot and came over to watch him die only seconds later. Right into the gathering pile of cheap alcohol that had formed a puddle beside the crate. Arland had a flame enchantment on his swords, and that was exactly what he needed. He stuck the blazing blade into the pile of alcohol and it lit up like a torch, setting the now-screaming Marie alight with it.

"What in the HELLS is going on out here?!?! Sybille stormed out of the inn, maul at the ready. Marie was outright panicking, her armor having caught fire, and she the thought of jumping in the sea to put it out slipped from her mind.

"Sybille, help!" She screamed. Sybille, dropping the maul, grabbed her friend and hauled her to the docks, before tossing Marie in the water. Getting onto her belly, she grabbed Marie and hauled her out just as fast.

"Arland?!?!" Weyland shouted, aghast. Arland had tried to crawl to the inn's door and had passed out when he wasn't even halfway there. Weyland saw him almost immediately. "Amendale! I need you out here, quickly!" Wordlessly, Amendale was at his side in an instant. They knelt down beside Arland.

"He may already be dead." Amendale told Weyland, getting straight to the point. "Get his helmet off. Pull the arrow out. Don't snap it and push it through, that'll take too much time and I can heal the damage pulling it'll cause." Weyland obeyed, tearing off Arland's helmet, rolling him over, worming his finger to the arrowhead, and yanking the entire arrow out. Amendale hit Arland with a healing spell, and it sealed up almost instantly.

Arland wasn't breathing.

"What's wrong? Is he gone?" The eldest Grey asked frantically.

"We need to get him breathing again." Amendale stated calmly, before his finger turned to ice and he pressed it against the back of Arland's neck. "The body's natural instinct when exposed to cold suddenly is to gasp. This may make him....'remember', so to speak." He blasted the arctic-cold air down down Arland's back.

"GAH! That's cold!" Arland shouted as he came to. "I'm up, I'm up, ma! Get off my back!" He shot himself up into a sitting position. Weyland breathed a sigh of relief, as did Amendale.

"Thank you...thank you..." Marie lay, breathing shakily, on the dock beside Sybille, who helped her to her feet. By then, Annette was outside as well, making sure her sister was okay. She was coughing up water, which Annette couldn't help, but she forced Marie to drink a healing potion to take care of the nasty gash on her side.

"What happened?" Weyland asked Arland.

"That Ordain brat held an arrow to my face, told me I 'deserved justice' or some cahoot. So I attacked her. I could have cut her head off and punted it into the Sea of Fallen Stars, but I didn't. Gave her two chances. Then she tries to hamstring my leg and slips a shot off from the shadows that hits me right here." He pointed to the angry red flesh that would, eventually, pale into a white circular scar. "I'm just lucky she didn't hit the jugulars."

"Or between the eyes." Amendale commented.

Weyland was furious. He stormed across the road and onto the dock, forcing Marie to her feet and shoving her backwards. "You'd better start telling me your side of the story. And fast." He demanded. Sybille stared hard at her friend, and back at her younger brother, then back to her friend again. Behind them, Amendale started putting out the fire that Arland had started, which had begun to slowly spread.

"He deserves it. Every bit of it." Marie answered. "Sybille, you know full well why. I'd imagine you do too." She looked at Weyland. "I'm not letting him slip the guards a few coins and watch them do nothing as he gets away. It's not right."

"From what I understand, he tried to show you mercy." Weyland told her.

"Yeah, and then he threatened to kill me."

"....If you tried to attack me again. And boy, did you ever." Arland snarled. Weyland had to physically restrain himself from drawing his blade and seeing how lightning conducted through leather. "So I show mercy and abide by your precious law, so you decide to repay me like that. I oughta shove you right back into that water, show you where you could be right now." He stalked towards her, but Weyland held him back.


"You can't say we wouldn't do the same thing in her position." Weyland tried to reason, re-gaining a more diplomatic mindset.


"We wouldn't be in her position. Pa's not a thieving scumbag that deserved having his gut ripped open and his head cut off." His eyes flashes at Marie as he said this. Annette's eyes narrowed imperceptibly, but she remained completely calm.

"But if someone killed him. We'd kill them." Sybille stated, deep in thought.


"Well...yeah, I guess." Arland conceded.


"That's what I meant." Weyland rolled his eyes. "But no way in the HELLS does that mean I'm letting her off easy." He said to Sybille.


"You realize, Marie..." Sybille began speaking in a low, angry tone. "...That you came within an inch of murdering my own dear brother?"


"And you realize, Arland, that you nearly did the same for my sister?" Annette asked him accusingly.

"Of course. In self-defense." Arland justified. Marie simple looked at her boots when she saw the look in Sybille's eye.

"Yes." She admitted.

"You and I....are going to talk. Later." Sybille turned to her brothers. "But we need to head inside. This storm's about to hit, and we're standing in the worst possible place to be when it does."


"I vote we leave the brat here. The older one, at least the little one's rational." Arland declared. Sybille nearly dislocated his jaw with a punch.


"That was just a jab, you idiotic child." She scolded him. "Next word outta you's gonna get a haymaker." Arland began to protest, but she cut him off. "No, I don't care who started it. You almost killed her and she almost killed you. That's all I care about. Move. Marie, you're coming with me. Annette, stay with the rest of them." Sybille ordered them along, before looking to the hurricane. The sea was almost entirely white with foam now, and waves were already cresting overtop the walls.




Elaril Del'Ferrill glided in the clouds, the scales of her Blue Dragon form helping her blend in and hide from the folk below. It wouldn't do to expose herself this early. Sure, they'd KNOW something was wrong when a hurricane occurred on the Sea of Fallen Stars, but better they not suspect it have anything to do with her.


She tracked the hurricane's storm surge as it powered towards the shoreline. It was at least twelve feet high...not nearly as powerful as a fully-fledged hurricane that's had months to grow in power, but enough to cause severe flooding. It would have to do. It was about a mile away from the city. Elaril found herself wondering how much of the population lived in the lower elevations....she didn't want too many dead. She wasn't a mass-murderer...not by intention. This act would make her one whether she liked it or not, however. But she needed Westgate out of commission.


Commanding lightning within the clouds, she had a bolt zip from cloud to cloud until it streaked downwards and struck a docked trade galleon on the far side of the harbor, splitting the mast in two and setting it ablaze. She could afford to make too many precise strikes like that...or she'd be discovered. That was to be avoided if possible.




"By Tempus! Did you see that?!?!" Arland exclaimed.

"What? What happened?"


"One of those ships just got hit by lightning. Right down the mast, like a tree. Hope nobody's inside."


"We need to go see." Annette declared. "If there's anybody in there, I won't let them die."


"Nobody in their right mind stays on a ship during a storm like this." Sybille stated. "Just in case something like that happens. They'll be fine, don't worry." Sybille's guess seemed to be accurate for this particular ship: nobody was sent fleeing from the fire, but a few people were trying to put the fire out. "Rhaine, I think we ought to get to higher ground if we can. Flooding's been a problem in the city before with lesser storms, and with most of us in armor we'll sink like stones if it comes to it."

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"I'll take care of it," Rhaine replied to the pirate captain. Taking the scroll from Shalena, she started back the way she came. She was in the process of returning to the inn to give it to Xallistine when she approached the Greys and Ordains at the tail end of their argument. As she overheard their exchange, she filled in the gaps, and fury lit her emerald eyes like fire. She followed them back into the inn and then confronted them, her wings spread wide to block them from going around her...or ignoring her.


"Listen to me...all of you. I don't want to see another fight break out between any of you. For any reason. Am I clear? This feud is now officially over. Provoke each other again in any manner, verbal or otherwise, and you will answer to me. Do you understand?"


Not expecting any reply, she addressed the rest of the party, "All right, everyone, listen up. Sybille is right. We need to get ourselves and our horses to higher ground immediately; we only have a limited time in which to act. Take the horses and lead them to stables on the western side of the city. Be sure to pack up all your equipment and then meet me at the Grey residence. Xallistine," she turned to the Ulitharid and handed him the shrinking scroll, "I need you to take this and shrink the Sea Compass for Shalena. It's the only way we can keep it safe."


"At once, my lady," he replied with a half-bow, taking the scroll and exiting the inn with his usual grace.


Rhaine gave Arland and Marie both sharp stares before making sure everything was with her and heading out.




Xallistine bent over as the first raindrops began to hit his moist skin, scooping the shrunken Sea Compass - now the size of a dainty model ship - from the rising tide and handing it to Shalena.


"Well, there you are. A completely shrunken vessel. Whenever you wish the enchantment to be dispelled, simply speak with me. It will be a simple matter, don't worry."


Meanwhile, Conall and Dagny scrambled with the rest of the party to get the horses to the stables on the western end of the city, making multiple trips back and forth in front of the inn nearby. In the flurry of activity, they did not notice Argyros disappear once more.


He had sensed he would be needed more elsewhere...




The silver dragon took to the skies. The storm was near now, heralded by a massive storm surge that was swelling and speeding straight for Westgate's docks. He rose rapidly, riding the rising winds higher and higher. The setting sun tinted the tops of the clouds and the sky pink and orange, even as the lower layers of the hurricane remained a thick grey-blue. His silvery scales glinted in the last rays of light, but his form was almost invisible against the heavier rainfall closer to the outer walls of the storm.


Argyros began his hunt. The lightning strike on the merchant vessel was so precise that he swore it was guided by something...or someone. He knew he needed to find the source of this occurrence, and he had a gut feeling it was closer than they all would like it to be. He braced himself as he encountered the powerful turbulence around the perimeter of the storm system, which began buffeting him and pushing him this way and that, forcing him to find easier paths through the currents. He had not even gotten close to the outer wall clouds yet, which he knew would be much stronger...


His scales crackled with electricity as a lightning bolt flashed dangerously close, illuminating his brilliant body in bright turquoise and violet hues. He snarled, eyes narrowed, determined not to let it deter him from his mission...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xundus, who had finished a short section of his writing, made his way down to the common room in time for Rhaines speech.


The drow cursed under his breath, and ran up to his room, gathering his belongings before going back down. Just before leaving the inn, he took a look at some of the now-empty tables. Many contained food, which remained untouched for the most part. He had hoped to buy more rations before leaving Westgate, but he hadn't yet had the chance, so he took out a sack and gathered as much bread as he could.


Finally ready to go, he exited the inn, only to be met by dark clouds and rain. It looked worse in the distance. Oddly, he chuckled. He didn't know why; perhaps it was the fact that he could be minutes from death, though why he would find that funny he didn't know.


"Oh, Umberlee. You really have earned your title."

Edited by Quintatas
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"Many thanks," Shalena said as Xallistine handed her a shrunken Sea's Compass. She held the ship gently as a parent would hold their newborn child. "Alright, men. Let's go somewhere higher." She said and made her way to higher ground, her crewmen followed.


Nawen collected her things, picked up Rhegar and went outside. She's been out in the wilds during an awful weather but never a hurricane. As she stepped outside she bumped into Xundus who was observing the weather. "Sorry." She said apologetically. "I don't think it's Umberlee's doing," she said as she heard him mentioning Queen of the Depths, "hurricanes are not common in these parts."

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Xundus turned to Nawen as the other drow bumped into him.


"It's fine," he said as she apologized. "lu'Usstan hass'len - oh, forgive me. I'm not used to speaking to other drow in common," he said, embarrassed. "Do you know the tongue of the drow? I've heard of some dark elves born on the surface - are you one of them?"


Before she could answer, however, Xundus turned his attention back to the sky. "Sorry, I've forgotten the problem at hand. We need to reach higher ground, as Rhaine says."

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Tak'we gave Conall a tilt of his head. "You are clutchmate, yess?" He asked, compound eyes focused on the softskin. "Then thiss one sstandss with you. A clutch lookss after itss own, or it iss nothing." *Sss-ss-ss* "You softsskinss ssseem to have ssuch hard timess undersstanding ssuch ssimple factss."


The warrior turned to look outside when thunder sounded over head, giving a chattered moan. "Pleasse not more water..."



Dri gave Weyland a pat on the back and then went about helping gather wood for Sana's pyre. She kept silent while the fire consumed the body, then turned and followed everyone back to the inn when the deed was done.


The girl had a smile on her face as Weyland went about expressing his love for his family, then blushed lightly when he thanked her as well. "Oh, well, um," her mind stuttered at first, "You're welcome, Weyland. You don't have to repay me at all. You're a good friend, too." Dri giggled silently. "Besides, you guys saved my life first, remember?"


She looked away as thunder boomed, a concerned look forming on her face. "That doesn't sound good."




Tak'we gave a hiss as he looked out one of the windows, openly displaying his disgust. "Sstupid softskinss... living by deep waterss. Why can they not live in proper landsss?" He turned suddenly to the sound of angry scolding and saw the Greys and their friends walk in, sharing what had happened and Rhaine showing her anger very clearly at Arland and Marie. Such hatchlings...


When the two continued throwing hateful glares at one another, the pink thri-kreen had decided he had had enough. Knocking over several chairs, Tak'we grabbed Marie and then Arland rather forcefully, holding them well above the ground and dangerously close to his face, where venom was dripping ominously from his mandibles.


"Listen, you" *KRA'TCK'CHI!* "Tak'we hass sseen young hatchlingss behave better than you two. I have seen animalss behave better than you two!" Glaring at the two to make sure they were listening, the angry barbarian continued. "Keep acting thiss way, and Tak'we will make you go in the deep waterss! Now behave!"


Giving the two softskinss a good shaking to emphasize his point, the thri-kreen dropped them unceremoniously and went back to his chair, chittering angrily as he left. Softskinss... no unity whatsoever...


When Rhaine declared that they were to gather their gear and go outside moments later, Tak'we's mood only worsened. *TAK'TCK'TCK!* "Of course we have to go outside. Spiritss be good to thiss one..." With that said he left, grumbling as he went and gathered his possessions quickly and returned. "Tak'we iss ready to go."


It better be dry...



Dri felt like slapping Arland and Marie, throwing her own angry glaring at them. But she put aside her anger and listened as Rhaine told everyone to pack their things and go. Having all of her gear with her already, the thief simply stood and waited for everyone else to get ready. Which I hope is soon... it's not looking pretty out there... Tymora grant us favor...

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"You throw me into deep waters and you'll kill me." Arland retorted. "When I've just bought my freedom, too. That'd be a rather... heartless thing to do."


"Arland if you pick a fight he's going to whoop your hide and THEN dunk you in deep waters." Weyland warned. "And I'll help him."


"You're drooling, by the way." Arland pointed out.


Marie, of course, was unpleasantly surprised by the sudden intervention. She was even more surprised by the sudden revelation that Tak'We was, indeed, pink. She decided it prudent not to protest out loud, but she still felt bitter and stepped-on inside.


"Come on, I'll take you all back to our house." Sybille told the entire group as a whole. "We're on the far side of the city and a little higher up than most of these other fellows. If nowhere else, we'll be safe there." With that, she opened the Inn's door and began leading them all back to the Greys' residence.


"Hey, the water's receding!" Arland commented.

"Storm surge." Amendale announced. "A massive wave'll follow it shortly. We need to get moving."




Elaril watched the massive wave's approach with satisfaction. It was making good progress and would impact in minutes at the most, likely less. With Westgate out of commission, several other cities would be severely weakened by the lack of imports. Lightning that Elaril was not controlling struck one of the tall spire of a church, and another bolt split a tree in half just outside the walls.



Elaril spotted a streak of silver flying at high speeds over the water, gaining altitude as it went. She manipulated the winds, creating violent winds that would make it difficult for the dragon to fly properly. Elaril herself was unaffected, one of Talos' gifts to his Stormlords: not being affected by severe weather. She hurled a bolt of lightning in front of him, hitting a random location, and keeping it indistinguishable from actual lightning. If she was lucky, it would dissuade it from entering the storm. If it didn't, she'd be forced to engage it before it found her and attacked first. She created a wicked downdraft as the hurricane began slamming Westgate with rain. She stayed in the clouds, keeping her cover for the moment. She watched the Silver Dragon intently as it ignored the lightning bolt that streaked down right in front of it. Elaril would have to take more direct measures.


The Stormlord summoned a bolt of lightning from several hundred yards away, keeping it well away from her so as not to expose her silhouette. She directed it downwards right into Argyros's wing membrane, scoring a direct hit. She wasn't about to fool herself into thinking that she had the dragon fooled into believing the storm to be natural, so she sent another bolt down towards him, aiming for the same wing membrane she'd just hit.

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