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Tales of Faerun


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The reason for Pekwe's agitated hissing soon became apparent as the sight of the husk of We'tak's exoskeleton on the bed came into view...
Maydiira's silvery eyes widened as she beheld the sight, and she held a hand to her mouth, "Oh...my..."
"What in the Nine Hells..." Rameses replied slowly, his eyes narrowing and his szuldar flaring violently with suspicion. "We'tak... You in here...?" The fire genasi called out cautiously, the corpse-like husk of the thri-kreen unnerving him a little.
We'tak jerked slightly at the sound of the door opening, thumping his head against the closet as his fear increased. Spirits! I didn't block the door! When he heard the voices of his clutchmates, he felt some of that fear begin to fade, but the thri-kreen was still anxious. Not wanting his clutch to see him in such a state, We'tak stilled himself, hoping his thump wasn't heard and his clutchmates would leave. Pekwe, however, gave the game up. The snake slithered towards Rameses and Maydiira, hissing at them before turning to look at the shut closet.
Maydiira watched the snake warily before calling in a tentative voice, "We'tak? Are you all right?"
The thri-kreen gave what sounded like a squeak of sorts as Maydiira called out to him. "Would clutchmates go away?" A muffled reply came from the other side of the closet. "Thiss one iss not well..."
Similarly, Rameses took careful note of Pekwe's behavior and observed the room for any other peculiar clues concerning their young companion. He recalled being such cat-and-mouse situations in his youth, so the genasi pulled the oldest trick in his arsenal of witty child-handling maneuvers, "We're leaving as soon as the horses are saddled, We'tak. Best come on out if you don't want to be left behind."
Maydiira glanced to Rameses and then to the closet door, "If you're ill, I can heal you, young one."
Rubbing his hands together, Rameses nodded in agreement and carefully stepped over Pekwe to apporach the closet. "Mhm, no sense in hiding, my friend." Carefully resting his hands on the closet door's knobs, the fire genasi curiously peeked inward in search for We'tak. "There are better hiding places, just to point out."
*Chee...* A chirp of despair rang out in response. "But it is not safe, Rameses..." We'tak said, not quite realizing how strange that would sound to softskins. When he heard the doors he found refuge behind crack open, the thri-kreen shrieked softly, shielding himself reflexively. "Please do not look at this one!" He protested, before huddling up protectively over his now vibrant sand-gold chitin. "My chitin... it is so soft now... I do not feel safe..."
Maydiira peered around Rameses and gasped aloud when she saw the thri-kreen, "Ohhhh, you poor thing. But look at it! It's so pretty!"
Arching a brow, the genasi looked We'tak from antenna to toe and smirked, joking lightheartedly at the sight, "Nice tan. Now, come on out. Your clutch will keep you safe while you're still a big softie." Rameses figured using We'tak's terminology might ease the thri-kreen's tension.
His antennae flattened against his head at his clutchmates' words. "But I do not want to..." All the same, the thri-kreen hesitantly stepped out of the closet, where it became clear that a change had come over him. First of all, and most noticeably, We'tak was taller... much taller; his head nearly reached the fireskin's eyes now. He shifted nervously, shivering at the feeling of exposure he was experiencing. His chitin was a much healthier color than it had been, and overall his stature had increased; he still possessed his slender physique, but everything was larger than it had been. "It feels so cold in here..." The thri-kreen chittered miserably.
Maydiira didn't hesitate in unclasping the hooded cloak about her shoulders, sacrificing hiding her identity for giving We'tak a sense of safety. Draping it about him and securing it firmly, she said encouragingly, "There...better?"
Rameses was intrigued as he witnessed the favored soul's endearing, almost motherly nature, and he gently patted the thri-kreen's shoulder once he had the luxury of her cloak. "There you go, We'tak, that aught to do it. So, how long does this last among your people?" He asked, gesturing towards We'tak's fresh chitin.
Though he appreciated the care Maydiira showed for him, We'tak did not feel much safer. However, the warmth from the cloak she had been wearing gave him a some measure of comfort. "Thank you," He said softly before he looked at Rameses, uncertain. "I do not know... thri-kreen usually take over 72 moons before the ritual for adulthood... but I am so different... Do I have to go out?" He asked, not unlike a petulant child. "Also... did clutchmates grow smaller?" The thri-kreen inquired, now noticing how everything seemed somehow smaller to him suddenly.
Maydiira chuckled, "If you wish to stay in the inn, I don't see why you can't. It's not like we're leaving the city anytime soon. And we didn't get smaller, but you did get taller."
Rameses nodded firmly in agreement, his smile growing in response to the amusing thought. "At least a head taller, I'd wager. And May's right, you're welcome to stick around here until this wears off." Glancing over to the drow, the fire genasi mentioned less than enthusiastically, "I reckon we'll need to tell Rhaine that someone should stay here on thri-kreen duty?"
"Oh..." We'tak chittered softly, now realizing his clutchmates were right; he had indeed grown a fair amount. "I would like to stay, yess..." Taking comfort in knowing he wouldn't have to travel, the thri-kreen felt a little braver. Awkwardly stepping forward, as he had not acclimated to his new size, he huddled closer to his friends. "Thiss one would prefer if clutchmates protected me..." He chirped nervously again.
Maydiira glanced to Rameses again, "You...want us to stay with you, today?"
"'Course we'd have one of us stay here with you, We'tak," Rameses replied reassuringly, briefly meeting the favored soul's glance, "We take care of our own. Besides, we might end up staying here a few days until we decide on our next course of action."
"That would be nice..." The thri-kreen said, feeling a little better knowing his clutch would be there. "What is that smell?" He asked, antennae twitching in the direction of the open door. "Is that... food?" His stomach suddenly growled very loudly. *Chee...* "Could we get some food... together?"

Maydiira laughed again, "Yes, We'tak, we can get food together. Come on, we'll protect you."


With his usual grin, Rameses chuckled at We'tak's new anticipation for breakfast. "Aye, let's get down there." He agrees, leading them towards the door and the hallway beyond.
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Sin woke, her head still on crossed arms, slumped over the table. Looking around, a bit fuzzy-headed, the inn's cooks and owner were readying for the day and the smell of eggs, bread, spicy potatoes and bacon mixed in the air with the soft breeze that rolled in the windows close to where Sin had fallen asleep. She was somewhat astonished that the Innkeeper had allowed her to stay there. Looking back over her shoulder again, she spied the man behind the counters, drying some flagons and steins. Eyes meeting, the Innkeeper raised a brow and gave a little shrug. Sin assumed this was an admission of guilt and acknowledgement of having had his greed found out, and a bit of payback for the same. Typically one would be tossed out at closing time or ushered to a room. The Innkeeper had done neither of these things.


The drow, feeling a bit worse for wear from the state in which she had slept, grabbed the blue bonnet and shoved it in a pocket. Heading back toward the rooms hoping to find a place to wash up, she encountered many of the party outside We'Tak's room.


Sin stood silently in the hallway, not being able to get a good view of things. Listening Sin surmised that the thri-kreen had molted taking on a larger form, like many insects and other animals did. Knowing the hardness of We'tak's skin she had no doubt a change in that would be somewhat frightening.


Hearing him speak of a desire to stay inside that day, while his stomach drove him at least out of the closet, a driving need to give back to the young thri-kreen who had been so accepting to her, came over Sin. As the others moved down the hall toward her, Sin bit her lip before she spoke.


"I would also be honored to help We'tak, if it so pleases him. This way I can be extra help should someone need to run errands. Or indeed if I can do anything else for We'Tak to make him more comfortable, I would assist in any way." Sin shifted a bit from foot to foot, before moving out of the way for the others to continue down toward the main room and the food waiting there.

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As The Cheerful Sage slowly crept to life under the morning sun, the cooks and waitresses began to serve breakfast for the hungry occupants of the Inn. Serving the more famous of the Inns' guests was a particularly young waitress with what some could consider far too much energy for these early hours. Her shoulder length, dark blonde hair flowed freely behind her as she swiftly and rather gracefully made her way across the busying common room to where the leader of the Inn's more exotic party was sitting.


"Good morning!" The waitress greeted Rhaine with an abundance of energy. "Sorry for the wait, things are a little bit hectic around here." She apologized as she brushed her unevenly cut hair out of her left eye. "The big party has a lot of guests from all over showing up, it's all pretty exciting if you ask me. The other girls here aren't too happy with the extra work-load, but if the list I have is right, there's only going to be more and more people showing up." She chattered on, not seeming to notice whether Rhaine was paying attention or not.


"So yeah.. hopefully you guess don't mind big crowds, that is... unless you're here for the.." Her chatter was momentarily stopped by a passing waitress nudging the young woman rather forcibly with her elbow.

With a laugh and a noticeable blush of embarrassment she very quickly corrected herself. "I'm so sorry, I can just go on for days at a time if I'm not stopped." She laughed. "So before I start again, what can I get for you this morning?"

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Rhaine had risen early, as was usual for the Doomguide, and had slowly watched as the inn's patrons filled up the tables of the common room and began spilling into the reserve rooms in the space of an hour. It was more activity than she had seen in a while; the gala certainly had attracted a great many guests and accompanying entourages of varying upper-tier social statuses - from high middling class merchants and clerks to the most elevated echelons of the nobility.


When the cheerful young waitress approached, Rhaine listened politely as the girl chattered on before asking for her order. Smiling gently, the Doomguide replied, "If you have any fresh fruit or porridge, that would be appreciated. Water as well, please."


Glancing around at the humming crowd of guests, she added, "Out of curiosity, what exactly has spurred this extravagant social gathering? Do you know?"

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"Theee porridge will probably be fresher." The waitress said hesitantly. "Soo that and some water, not one for a fancy breakfast are ya?" She asked as she wrote down Rhaine's order on the piece of parchment she held in her hand. When asked about the gala, the spark of excitement lit in her eyes once again.

"Weeelll..." She spoke slyly, looking around to see if any of the other waitresses were around before speaking in a hushed tone with a serious look on her face. "Supposably, it's just a annual celebration of sorts... buuuut it's never been this big, a lot of high ranking officials and adventurers have been coming in, some of which are acting pretty shifty if you ask me. Now, the rumor going around, is that it's a front for some super secret meeting about what to do about Thay and how to respond to a certain.. thing that happened a while back or so."

When she finished speaking the large smile spread back over her face. "Of course this could all just be the wishful thinkings of bored townspeople, I just know what other people tell me after all." she said with a quick shrug of her shoulders. "Guess none of us will really know until we get there huh? Well, that is if your party will be joining in the festivities of course." She added with an almost hopeful look on her face.

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The young thri-kreen went silent as the fireskin led the way for all, deeply touched and proud of the kindness his clutchmates, new and old, supported him without question or hesitation. This is truly a great clutch... He thought happily. Clutchfather, you were so wise! "Oh, wait for me!" We'tak chirped, realizing he was lost in his thoughts and being left behind, and sprang awkwardly after his clutchmates.


"Winged Pointy-ear! Spirits bless yo-" *THUNK* *NRAK'TCK!* The insectoid cursed mid-sentence whilst wishing Rhaine good morning as he bumped his foot against a chair, misjudging the size of his legs. "That will take some time to be used to..." He muttered, before sitting down among his clutchmates. "So, Sin!" He looked expectantly at the dark pointy-ear female. "What do you think will be good for breakfast today? I think a lot of those apples would very nice..." *Wee!* The young thri-kreen thought idly for moment, pondering other foods that would be good right now. "Oh, and some of that bacon... yess, that would be good!" *CHEE!*


The waitress, having overheard the want for apples, had actually grabbed a few of the succulent fruits he so enjoyed, and We'tak, being overjoyed at the sight of that, immediately gave his thanks and began devouring them. His anxiety from earlier completely forgotten for now, he gave a happy look at Sin, Rameses, and Maydiira. "I am very grateful for such nice clutchmates. Many thanks for being so!" *Chee!*

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Sin watched We'Tak munch on the apples and looked toward the kitchen. She saw more bacon going on the pan and knew it would be some time before some would be coming. Unwilling to have her friend wait she walked to another table, took the bonnet out of her pocket and with a look which dared the other patrons to say a word, proceeded to dump and bacon they had off their plates and into the hat. Waving to the serving girl who nodded at Sin's action, the Drow walked back to We'Tak and the others.


Sin upended the bonnet over We'Tak's plate and a pile of bacon cascaded down, mostly hitting the plate. Sin then began looking for more apples, surmising that the changes We'Tak had taken would leave him hungry. She though he would need energy to move these bigger limbs and regrow his hard outer shell. She had heard the worry in his voice and would do anything she could to help him make his change more easy.


Spying a large man sitting across from the now bacon-less couple from the table behind her, Sin narrowed her gaze. Before she even came close the large man quickly offered up the two apples he had and two hard boiled eggs also. Sin gave the man a shining smile and patted him on the head before heading back. Laying the apples down she contemplated the still shelled eggs. Finally just laying them down also, thinking the shells would be nothing to her friends jaws and appetite should he wish to eat them. The young Drow took a post, slightly behind We'Tak, like a paid houseman waiting for the opportunity to further serve her friend.

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Rhaine was silent as she absorbed the excited waitress's gossip. At her mention of Thay, however, the Doomguide's brows rose, "That is...an interesting rumor to be sure. I know nothing of it, myself. We've been invited to take part, yes, but by a pair of relatively new acquaintances who wish to be married during the festivities."


It was at that moment that she, Maydiira, and Conall were witnesses to Sin's bizarre gathering of food for the suddenly-quite-larger We'tak. All three watched the spectacle with slightly open mouths, before Conall glanced sideways at Rhaine, "Ahhh...do we pay extra for that now, or...?"


Maydiira chuckled, "Looks like you have a very loyal new friend, We'tak."

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The elation that filled the air within The Cheerful Sage brought a wide grin to Rameses's face as he, We'tak, Maydiira, and Sin descended the flight of stairs in the search of breakfast. To be entirely honest, the fire genasi felt relieved when Sin offered to accompany We'tak for the day. Not that he himself was unwilling to do so for the thri-kreen's sake, but he was eager to dive into the festive uproar that had captivated Furthinghome. Perhaps the days and weeks spent on end journeying through the Shar in solitude had afforded Rameses a revived appreciation for the machinations of urban society.


"So, about breakfast," Rameses addressed with vividly-shining szuldar, anticipating a wholesome meal and a day of exploring the Aglarondan streets beyond their current accommodations, "Fruit does sounds tempting, as well as a loaf of bread. Hmmm, water should suffice as well." Reclining into a seat at the same table as the party's resident favoured souls, thri-kreen, and werewolf, the fire genasi waited with an almost daftly excited expression. Although, his curious gaze took note of a perplexing observation as the inn's interior soon filled with patrons.


Some of their companions had yet to rise from bed, particularly Kaji and Eirene among them. A mischevious look soon characterized Rameses's face once he rose from his chair, grabbing a mug of water before stating plainly, "I'm going to go check on our dear friends. Don't let We'tak eat my food." On that note, he strode through the growing crowd towards the stairs to investigate the others' absence.


Shockingly, an ear against the door to the Mulhorandi's room overheard a gentle snoring, which Rameses found to be exceedingly unusual. Eirene seemed to the genasi like the type who always rose with the dawn. Nevertheless, he figured it'd be best to leave her be before he discreetly made his way to Kaji's room, propelled by nefarious intent betrayed by his wicked grin and his flaring szuldar markings. Oh, he would have his vengeance for the previous evening's mishap concerning the friendly fire by the wu jen's hand.

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Conall made it his duty to ensure the safety of Rameses's breakfast while the fire genasi was away from the table, having essentially been made the pseudo-watcher of the maturing Thri-kreen. He wasn't sure how exactly to get We'tak more accustomed to "softskin" society and fulfill Selune's wishes for the insectoid, but he figured that he would try with the little things on a day-to-day basis and take the bigger things as they came.


One of those bigger things being the gala itself.


Rhaine ate her breakfast in silence when it finally arrived, as did Maydiira. Content to leave Sin with We'tak if the other drow woman was intent on helping him, Maydiira thought instead that she would accompany the Doomguide that day; waves of discomfort occasionally washed over her, despite her determination to live without fear in the presence of surfacers, and she simply felt better being by her old friend's side.




Nine days later...


The tenday dragged on. The first few days were spent milling about the city, the companions trying to procure as much information as possible and also getting fitted for new attire suitable for the special occasion of both the party and Rosalinde and Gregor's wedding. With the help of Sin's carnie friends, they were able to procure some rather fashionable attire at reasonable prices. Rhaine's chosen outfit was a dress with a beaded black velvet bodice and long sleeves, high-necked and open-backed, with a white silk skirt and black velveteen slippers. Maydiira ended up with a plain white satin dress, halter-necked, and a pair of matching low-heeled pumps. Conall settled on a blue velveteen jacket and a white shirt with beige breeches and knee-high black boots. Snappy ensembles, but not overly lavish in style.


The guests of the gala were mostly aristocratic mages from Aglarondan settlements, though there were representatives from Thesk, Narfell, Impiltur, and even Rashemen. Apparently, a recent provocative incident had incited fear amongst the locals about the intentions of neighboring Thay. According to a fantastically drunk attendee, the fortress of Emmech, to the east of Furthinghome, had been overrun by Thayan forces in the past few months and was renamed "Undumor" by the occupiers...but now there were rumors circulating through the populace that undead had ousted the Thayans. In order to keep a panic from rising, the mage leaders of the nearby countries agreed to meet together behind the curtain of a gala said to be thrown to celebrate their goodwill with each other. But, in truth, it was to get them all together to discuss what exactly to do about this Thayan-undead invasion of Aglarondan lands.


Gregor and Rosalinde had arrived a few days prior, the blushing bride rushing to get a dress pulled together in time while her husband-to-be sought out the party to thank them each again for helping him. He promised to repay them however he could when an opportunity arose, but Rhaine insisted that repayment was not at all necessary. Nevertheless, the noble knight would not hear of it, and he made it a priority to spend time with them each day in hopes of finding out something that they needed.


The day before the gala, the atmosphere was more cheerful than ever. Excitement was palpable in the very air itself. No section of street was un-decorated, there was no alley where lights were not strung, and there was no wall where posters and banners did not hang. The chatter of townsfolk and guests was a constant hum in the background everywhere one went, and the clopping and neighing of horses could be heard from the various stables and inns along the perimeter of the city. Despite her life in Waterdeep, this noise was a bit too much for Rhaine, who stayed at a table in the shadowed corner of the Cheerful Sage, hoping to get some peace before the main event on the morrow.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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