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Tales of Faerun


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Rhaine did not completely fall asleep again after her dream, only catnapping until dawn. Her mere moments of slumber were intermixed with frustrated tossing and turning, until finally she threw back her blanket and began arming herself. She quickly donned her armor and strapped her sword to her side, twisting her hair into a tight bun for a change. Then, putting on her cloak and pack, she went downstairs.


She took a light breakfast - an apple and a piece of soft bread - before heading to the stables, where she began tacking Ghost. The stallion was nothing like her Angel, but she loved him nonetheless. He was like Kelemvor - his spirit strong, calm, and noble. The Doomguide gave him a kiss on the forehead and patted his neck firmly before putting a foot into the stirrup and swinging into the saddle.


Riding out of the stable, she meandered down the streets to the north edge of town, where she watched the sun rise slowly over the Storm Horns. Ghost bobbed his head, and she stroked his white mane, "Shh, I know. We'll be going, soon."

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Caladus's face bears a look of Horror. "But you.. I.. YOU'RE NAKED! And Engaged.. gods. oh gods..." Caladus finds himself tossing her the soap anyway, and although he was panicky, he thought to himself, What's the worst that could happen? I mean, it's not like I'm going to make a move on her or anything.


Shaori wakes up not too long after Caladus did, and noticing his bathing things gone, she decides to surprise him just as a joke to see his reaction. She sneaks off, wearing only her underclothes, and looked for the bathhouse. She hears Caladus's voice coming from one of the doors, and pokes her head in to see him in the bath with Ianthe and handing her the soap. Striding in, slipping in the same puddle he did and falling into the bath she comes up from underwater and prods him in the chest. "What are you doing bathing with her? Care to explain this off?"


Caladus looks panicky, "It's not what it looks like, I swear!"

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"Oh, hi Shaori!" Ianthe said, waving with an incredibly cheesy smile. "Hooray, a group bath!"




From deep underneath the tangled mass of blankets on a bed in the inn, Arva bolted upright and had a strange feeling that something interesting was going on... Yes, his perv senses were tingling. He wondered why...

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Caladus stammers out, "I went into the wrong room, slipped in the same puddle you did, and fell on top of her. I-I am pretty sure that you won't believe me, but I would never try to do anything to another woman."


Shaori looks at Caladus, and figures he is telling the truth. Removing her underclothes, she grabe the soap from Ianthe and tells her. "Turn around, I can scrub your back."

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"Hooray!" Ianthe cheered.




Meanwhile, Arva stalked the hallways of the inn, and soon found himself at Saerileth's door. He knocked lightly and then stepped back, hoping the girl would come to the door. Last night, she had captured his attention with her wit. He wondered if she would be interested in combining their abilities to track down the source of the feeling he was getting. With her wit and his... nature, they would be unstoppable!

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As Caladus ponders this interesting development, and watches as Shaori scrubs Ianthe's back, working slowly lower, even washing the girls rump, all to make Caladus uncomfortable.



Saerileth is woken from her slumber by a knocking on her door. Pushing the covers aside, and fixing her nightgown which had ridden up, she walks over to the door and opens it a bit. She sees the tall perverted elf standing there, and says, "What dost thou want, perverted one? Why hast thou woken me from my slumber?"

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Ianthe dipped herself under the water as Shaori finished washing her back. She swam around under the water for a while and then tickled at one of Caladus' feet, laughing under the water. She could breathe under here, and she hoped that the others understood this by now.




"Don't you feel that?" Arva said, leaning down so that he was looking right at her. "There's something going on out there... Where are Caladus and Shaori? Didn't they... share a room?" He looked utterly serious as he spoke, then blew a stray lock of white hair off his nose. "I have a feeling that there's a bit of debauchery in the air."

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"Thou thinketh always Debauchery is afoot. Why shouldst now be any different?" She looks intently at Arva, and realizes something. Saerileth looks over his face, his hair and muscles, and blushes deeply as she realizes he is quite good looking. "M-mayhaps he went for a bath?"



Caladus chuckles at Ianthe tickling his feet, and noticing Shaori's nod, reaches down and starts tickling at her midriff, keeping away from her breasts and her waist. Shaori bends down, kisses Caladus, and starts tickling at Ianthe as well.

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Completely unaware of what's going on in the bathhouse at the moment, Sefris was sitting in a corner of the inn where she could get a good look of who's coming and going. No surprises suddenly appearing behind her back. Satisfied by just hissing at men that tried to approach her, she leaned back in her chair and rummaged through her bag, looking for something. Where is it....aha! She pulled out a map and set it on the table, disentangling it as her red eyes flew up and down, left to right. She's been to so many places lately that travelling isn't even fun anymore. Throwing an especially nasty glare at a drunk man that smiled at her, she returned her look to the map, momentary losing interest in anything but the map.
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"A bath, huh?" Arva said, smiling down at Saerileth, flashing teeth whiter than his skin, "That sounds spot-on. Only one thing..." He muttered to himself thoughtfully for a few moments, then put his face level with Saerileth's again, his pink eyes boring into her blue ones. "I have a terrible sense of direction, Saerileth." He stared at her intensely, utterly and completely serious.




The sound of giggling filled the air as the door to the bath opened up. In the doorway stood Plum and her friends, all dressed in black with dark lace veils over their faces. Brenna's jaw dropped and she blushed deeply. They all definitely had the wrong idea about what was going on.


Ianthe laughed as she was tickled and stared up at the girls, unaware of what they were staring at with such red faces. She thought for a moment, then remembered. Modesty, right. Oh well...


Plum, hand over her mouth and eyes wide, looked over at the spectacle, "What in Nine Hells is going on in here?"


Ianthe quite literally hopped out of the bath like a frog and shoved past the girls in the doorway. A few seconds later, she came running back inside, "Caladus, this is the girl's bath! Quick! Hide!" She leaped into the bath again and pulled at his arm, trying to pull him under the water.




Meanwhile, Commander Quark was having a nightmare in which he had turned into a duck who could not stop quacking.

Edited by tokyobleach
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