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Tales of Faerun


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Nawen looked at Rhegar who was somewhat calmer now that they were on the ship. When they arrived to the port town the wolf pup was restless and tried to escape more than once but eventually the drow managed to calm him down by talking gently to him and assuring him that she won't let anyone hurt him. It wasn't easy and Rhegar was still wary of her but Nawen hoped that kindness and patience will be enough to befriend the poor thing.


Turning back to Conall she nodded. "That is why I took him with me. I just couldn't leave him. He's so small and looked so scared." She said as she petted the little wolf gently. "How did you meet your companion?" The drow asked.


Shalena chuckled at how fast Lyria fell asleep. "Sleep is for the weak, eh?" She said as she made her way towards her own bed. For a few minutes she just sat on the bed wondering whether to take her boots off or not. Sometimes they were ridicilously difficult to take off.


"Eh..." She shrugged to herself and made herself comfortable. Two minutes later she also was asleep.

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A warm feeling of nostalgia gripped Othos as he boarded the boat. He had spent a fair amount of time on ships, both in his native Calimshan and after he had left. He greatly enjoyed the sea breeze while travelling by ship, and while the others might be wary about such a means of travel he would welcome it.


He raised his head and took a deep breath, enjoying the breeze before deciding where he would settle down. His eyes remained raised toward the crow's nest as he moved swiftly up the mast toward his destination. In the nest he slumped over with his golden arms behind his head before he fell asleep.


Kowolj on the other hand had never in his life heard of such a vessel and refused to board the ship. The talk of the ship sinking had brought the fact that he couldn't swim forth in his mind, and terror gripped him to the point where he could not move nor speak, simply standing on the docks with his eyes looking out over the water.




The beast felt nothing now, instead it slumped to the floor with a fountain of blood spewing forth from it's neck. Haxxon on the other hand felt exhilarated after watching his new ally's show of power. He pushed himself away from the wall and walked over to the two 'women' with his hands clapping.


"Brilliant! I can see that I chose correctly in supporting you. Now the question is: what's next? What can I do to help you two fine ladies?"

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Sefris watched the lizard falling down, not looking away until life in his eyes disappeared. Hmpf. This was barely entertaining, but her bloodlust is at least sated. For now.


The fey-ri turned back to the orc with a faint smile, leaning on her spear. Great, more talking. Oh well, at least Ravenna will handle this.




Anemone greeted the sight of a ship with delight, while Avira only cawed, unimpressed. It's been so long since she's travelled by a ship! Oh, but the wind that will play with them once they set sail...This will be a good journey.


She was among the last one to arrive at the docks, admiring the ship while most of the have already boarded. She was about to do the same, but she noticed Kowolj standing at the docks, frozen.


"Kowolj?" she approached the wemic, glancing for a second at Avira that was jumping from her shoulder to the other. Gods, she really disliked everybody.


"Is everything alright? The others have already boarded."

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Rhaine shook her head at Tannin, "No one is getting left behind. Now come on. And Hexol? Try not to mention possible curses to anyone, all right? Sailors are superstitious enough as it is."


With that, she boarded the ship along with Conall, looking back to make sure everyone was following. Unfortunately, Kowolj was frozen in place...but Nawen and Ane appeared to be trying to get the wemic to move. She hoped they were successful, as the crew was ready to raise the anchor.




Lyria woke the next morning with a throbbing headache, the sunlight streaming through the windows of the cabin and hitting her square in the face. She rolled over to bury her head in the pillow but ended up rolling completely off of the bed and onto the floor with a loud thunk.


"Stlarning, thrice-cursed, godsbedamned sun...who needs light anyway...see perfectly fine in the dark...ow!"


The tiefling had risen to her feet and stumbled right into the chest at the foot of the bed, hitting her soft-toed boots rather hard against a corner.


"Stlarning, tluining, son of a coin-wench...!"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Nawen noticed that Kowolj was hesitant to move. He appeared to be more terrified than she was. She approached the wemic and Anemone who tried to talk to him.


"Is everything alright?" She asked the two thinking what could have caused such fear for someone like Kowolj.


Shalena entered the cabin just in time to see Lyria stumbling into the chest. The sight of someone as graceful as her friend tripping over things was quite amusing but she didn't laugh. Or at least tried not to.


"Good morning to you too." She said as the ship started to move from the dock. Being quite used of assuming large amounts of alcohol with her crew and other pirates, Shalena woke up earlier and ordered the men to prepare for the journey.

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"Don't say that I didn't warn you." Tannin muttered under his breath as he climbed aboard.

Hexol cocked his head to the side at Rhaine's request. "But... Shouldn't they know what's on the ship? I'd like to know if i'm traveling with someone who's cursed... Those people have the best stories!"


Azuris simply looked up at the ship and sighed. "This is gonna be a long ride." He uttered miserably.

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Kowolj moved his eyes from the water to the boat, and looked at it for some time before finally moving his eyes again to see the two who had come to help, the drow Nawen, and the genasi Anemone.

"I'm not sure I can... without the earth beneath my feet... I'm afraid that leaving behind the spirits I know to greet those on the water."

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"If you lived a life ruled by superstition would you wish to know of more to add to the burdening links of your chains? I think you know the answer, little elf, so as Lady Alcinea suggests... do keep your comments on a more cheerful level, stories of cursed folk are all good and well until a demoralized crew so terrorized by their fictitious fears ceases to function in their duties properly. Then we would begin to have problems." Seraphine directed her comment towards Hexol as she continued to commune with the Spirits, her voice having shifted from the serene breeze of her own throat to an ethereal mix of several hundred.




Ravenna smirked. "You can do nothing but wait until I have secured the devils you wish... But until then I would appreciate it if your excuse for a horde is told that I now hold power over their fates. I do not expect to be held up in these tunnels by a fool who views me as his afternoon lunch, unless of course you wish to see your people razed to the ground before you have the chance to say 'legions of Hell'. We will be taking up residence in the cursed castle to the west of this stronghold. Any Orcs found intruding upon my affairs will be swiftly dispatched by my companion here. Until then carry on, we shall see a little army and the progress of your rebuilding efforts before long."

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Sefris chuckled at Ravenna's threats, glancing at the orc when the witch mentioned her. Gods know she'd welcome any orc venturing too near...with her fangs, claws and spear, that is. Maybe an occasional fireball.




Anemone tilted her head a bit, looking at the wemic. "You do not know how to swim?" she asked, blinking.


"Well, technically, there is ground beneath you....and a lot of water between you and the ground, but ground nevertheless! And besides, why would we shipwreck? Sailing is such a relaxing and safe ride. You have the wind in your hair, the smell of salt all around you and we'll be off of the ship before you know it!" The planetouched said with a reassuring smile.


"There is nothing wrong in being afraid. But think of it as an adventure! A new enemy to conquer!"

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Meanwhile in the lower deck of Umberlee's Wave, an elf, dressed in dark robes sits at a wooden table and is looking outside a small window.


"What in seven hells is taking them so long to get this giant tub moving? We've been on this ship for days now." said the elf


"Well, judging by what i saw a moment ago through the holes in the sack, I think they're waiting for some aquaphobic wemic to man up and get on the ship. But that's just my guess..." said a muffled voice that came from the old leather sack layed on the table the elf was sitting at.


" A what? A wemic?!" The curious elf proceeded to point his head out of the small window. What he saw confirms his friend's assumptions. "Damn Ivan, for a bare bones skeleton with no eyes, your sight is as sharp as an eagle."


"Oh you flatter me..." replied Ivan with a slight sarchastic tone.


" I wonder what his party looks like. I ought to go check, this might be fun. You wanna come with me?"




The elf took the sack and put it over his shoulder and made his way to the companionway. Once on the upper deck, the robed man saw what looked like the most colorful group of adventurers he'd seen. Amidst the party he noticed what appeared to be black feathered wings. Upon further inspecion he saw hat it was a winged half elf woman, no doubt the leader of the group.


"I smell adventure, Ivan!"


" Oh joy..."


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