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Tales of Faerun


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Xallistine stood by Tannin with a brow raised inquisitively, not at all interested in the meal he would far rather procrastinate in some way... and why not have a little chat with the Half-Drow about that blade of his... Xallistine had no qualms about sharing his interest in dark and dangerous things, he wasn't a paladin sworn to root out all evil after all.


"My good man, you must tell me about that weapon... I have seen and made many a thing in my time, but nothing so intriguing!"




Ravenna grinned as she took in the sight of the crumbling fortress before her, and what a sight it was. Just like the resting place of Miora, and just like the old church, this was yet another location lost by time and erased from all maps, a relic of the ancient past that had been reduced to nothing but a frightful husk. These were the locations in which Ravenna thrived, for beauty in any form outside of her own and those she tolerated was unacceptable. Her residence had to be intimidating, basic, ruinous and depraved.


"Yes my dear, we are here." The infernal queen began her walk, her heels clicking against the mismatched cobble of stone she so effortlessly traversed, her head high and her body fluid, she hoped Sefris would not find herself pinned to the ground by her heels, between the small gaps of the cobbles.


As they reached the edge of the hillside the drawbridge was raised and the castle was lifeless and empty, no birds flew overhead and no insects swarmed, even the very trees had lost their leaves. The earth around this place was rich with the blood of it's last conflict, a struggle that had took place so very long ago. After gazing up at the battlements something violet caught her eye; On the very edge of the hillside, on a small patch of fresh grass stood a blooming tulip. Ravenna raised an eyebrow at the flower and slowly aproached, kneeling down to grasp it's stem.


"Oh no no no, no this shall not be staying... How did it get here I wonder? This ground is cursed... unless. Of course, I can smell it. Magic. Oh and what's this? Ohh! A body." Ravenna cackled slightly as she ripped the plant from the ground, uprooting the beautiful beacon of hope, hope that nature may prevail in this dark and tainted stretch of land.


"Look Sefris, I found a pretty little flower. It seems this little patch is a grave... and whomever is in mourning frequently visits. Oh I will so enjoy watching whomever thought it fit to heal my land die slowly, and painfully... This thing is an affront to my eyes." Ravenna was furious over the fact a flower was blooming in her lands, and with the closing of her fist the tulip turned to black ash, as did the patch of grass once she set it alight.


"Now for the drawbridge... what was that little password again? Oh yes, how could I have forgotten?" She grinned slightly and stepped forward, directing her voice to the large wooden bridge.


"Don't hurt them Ravenna."


At those words the wheels that turned the chains to lower the bridge broke from their rusted state, and slowly lowered the bridge.


"Shall we, Sefris?"

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Tannin smirked at Xallistine. "Bit of a family heirloom. Indirectly passed from father to son since that bloodline began."

"It's an evil blade." Azuris interjected.

"Nooo no noo..... That's simplifying it's nature to a degree that's borderline insulting." Tannin retorted with a smile. "Believe me, It's not an evil blade, but it certainly isn't a good one, it just... is. Of course silly old me decided to give it the ability to change it's shape! So of course the damn thing soon learned to walk and talk on it's own, which issss.... Inconvenient."

"I don't like it." Azuris grunted.

"I don't care." Tannin once again retorted with a smile as he walked inside before they blocked up the doorway.

He made a small bow to Shalena once he was inside the cabin. "Well that would be rather rude of us if we refused now wouldn't it? You'll find that we tend to have more manners than what we'd appear to have....Usually."

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Rhaine ignored Tannin and the others and entered the cabin, thinking it unwise to delay. Glancing around, she gestured to the rest of her companions to follow. Conall entered close behind her, keeping his eyes trained on the captain.




Quarylene at last had begun to sense the ground move upwards, and after a few more hours, an ancient stone wall came into view. After feeling around the moldy cobbles a bit, she found where a crack ran down its length. It was a thin wall, and weak, and after just a few concentrated kicks, the whole thing came down in a crash of dust and rubble. After the cloud dissipated, she could see that it was just a makeshift thing meant to block the tunnel. There was a cellar beyond, filled with ancient wines and empty bottles...spider webs clinging to everything.


The drow could practically taste the devil woman's blood, she was so near...

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Xallistine was truly intrigued now, this blade was certainly an anomaly of the likes he did not encounter often... there was that butter knife once though... Before he drifted off into an endless trance of thought he snapped out of it and followed the others through, having to duck low to actually fit through the door, as standing at near seven and a half feet tall meant doors were not the easiest of access points.


"It learnt to walk? I have only ever made mushrooms walk, but never a sword... you are going to have to tell me more Tannin, I am intrigued." Xallistine was certainly in his comfort zone now, a chance to learn about this fascinating blade? Well whom would pass that up? He bowed humbly to Shalena in thanks for the offer of attending the meal, and proceeded to seat himself near Tannin, ensuring that he could not evade the Ulitharid's many questions.


Seraphine bowed also and made her way to the table... she was suspicious to say the least.




Ravenna sashayed across the drawbridge and into the courtyard, looking around with a contented sigh. It was all looking delightfully grim and bleak, no shrubs, no trees and no flowers... good, so the inside had not been touched, or so she hoped. There was always a chance that some creature may reside within, but she would tear out their entrails and be done with that matter.


Throwing the doors open with her magic, she stepped inside the great hall and listened as the echoes of her heels resonated around the stone walls. It was so cold, so dead, so undisturbed, a fine layer of dust had settled upon every surface, spiders webs now decorated the ceiling and cobwebs hung dangerously close to the ground like vines. Clapping her hands quickly, every single candle lit up brightly after centuries of disuse, illuminating the grey in a soft golden light, but no where near enough to portray any illusion of warmth. She continued to smile as she walked along the isle that lead to the back of the room, a large circular font of some kind dominated a large area of the floor, and the great stone throne stood elevated on a stepped platform, and through an arched doorway off the right hand side, set of stairs that led to the upper levels, a huge stained glass window sat behind the throne and allowed what little light there was to filter through and cast the gargantuan shadow of the throne further. Brushing off the dust with a flick of her hand, Ravenna descended into the seat for a short moment with a smile. "This is to be our new home for a while my dear... now come, we shall remove the dust of these halls and check the rooms, I have need of quarters." She arose once again and stepped down from the platform, walking out of the great hall and up the stairs to the right.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Quarylene edged along the walls, her nostrils filled with the scent of decay, mold, and rotting wood. This place was decrepit and long abandoned...but was it responsible for the emptied regions of the Upperdark through which she had traversed? There was an undeniable aura of evil about the place, and yet it had a magnetic attraction at the same time. She wondered if the devil-woman actually lived here as she made her way slowly through the corridors, her heeled boots thudding ever so softly on the stones.


And just in time to see Ravenna stand from the throne, the drow vampire found the main hall. She kept to the shadows, watching the woman, who now seemed to have an apprentice with her...an apprentice who was cloaked in some sort of illusionary magic. The pull of the apprentice's blood was even stronger than that of Ravenna, and she found herself fighting the urge to leap forward upon her. Instead, she strode forth slowly but confidently, opening her fanged mouth, her dark voice ringing off of the walls.


"Remember me, she-devil?"

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Ravenna raised a single, perfect eyebrow as she looked the white-eyed Drow up and down... Who was she? The Drow were awfully hard to distinguish from one and other without poor lighting conditions, but Ravenna could feel something familiar about this one. Of course, how silly of her to forget that face. With a slight smile Ravenna circled the woman and traced around her torso with a clawed finger, stopping infront of her to clutch at the woman's jaw, she tapped her cheekbone as before, but this time pulled her jaw down to get a better look inside her mouth.


"Ahh, a Vampire? Well, well, well. If it isn't Ginafae. If I recall correctly I stood with a rather amused gaze as the lizard burnt both you and that winged imbecile to little more than cinders." Ravenna cackled a little as she returned back to her throne, her eyes still exploring the features of this newly reborn Ginafae.


"And if that oversized spider of a goddess whom so lazily perches her inflated rump upon the throne of the Demonweb pits is as predictable as always... you've been a naughty girl haven't you Ginafae?" Ravenna looked into the milky white orbs of Ginafae with an ever present smirk, rather tickled to see the apparently dead Drow once again.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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The drow's eyes narrowed as Ravenna touched her. She hadn't liked it when the she-devil touched her the first time, back in the dracolich's lair. Now, an audible snarl escaped her lips, though she did not flinch.


"Quarylene, now," she answered, meeting Ravenna's gaze as she pulled back her violet hood, "Lolth has seen fit to rename me. My old life no longer applies...I start anew. Or so a yochlol told me. It is this life I wish to discuss with you. And your description of the Quarval-sharess is not far off the mark, as you surfacers say."


She then turned from Ravenna and began pacing the chamber, her low heels echoing around the room, "As you likely know, vampires need coffins as safe havens to return to in the daylight and when...we...are damaged beyond recognition. I have none, have found none, and I require one. Should you aid me in this," she paused, hesitating before finishing, "I shall remain by your side to help you when you need me; we can accomplish more together than apart, yes...?"

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Luckily for Sefris who wasn't as skilled in walking in heels as Ravenna was, the fey'ri avoided falling by simply flying a few centimeters above the ground with her large wings she once again released. The sight of the large fortress made the half-demoness smile - it's been a while since she's been in a building like that, after all. As Ravenna had her monologue with the flower, Sefris stood - or rather floated - next to her without a word, silently observing the little show. If needed, she could always torch the whole ground to give it more of a...homely atmosphere.


Once they were inside, the fey'ri now descended on the ground, but left her wings out in case she needed to avoid something again. The fortress truly was magnificent and just a place she imagined Ravenna in. The cold wasn't something she personally liked, preferring the chambers she resided in to be as hot as the hells, but it would do. The demoness can always adjust her room to her liking.


The appearance of the drow-vampire earned her a slight frown, staying silent at first as she talked to the witch. Ravenna actually knew her? And what is this about being dead and coming back to life? Ah, idiotic drow customs. When the vampire asked for Ravenna aid in return for hers, the fey'ri was somewhat alarmed, stepping before the newcomer while her heels angrily echoed across the main hall.


There was no need to hide her true nature here, as much as she liked fooling mortals, this one can't be fooled as easily. Her four fangs were visible when she spoke, her black claws irritatedly tapping against her corset and scales covered her skin - what could be seen from the clothing, of course.


"Are you seriously considering this...undead's request?" She asked the witch, glancing at the woman once again. "Vampires are not to be trusted - she'll betray us the first time she has a chance if staying involved endangering her existance."


Vampires may be fearless and feared creatures, but the sorceress stood proudly, not afraid of her. She's dealt with them before...she knew her weaknesses. Also, more competition? Tsk, tsk, she couldn't allow that.


"Test her. Why should we trust her? Or at least leave her coffin in your care, where you can easily reach and destroy it."

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Othos chuckled at the arrival of the 'grumpy' bird, who appeared to like him. He held out an open gold plated hand as a sign of peace to the bird, hoping it would understand he wasn't hostile. He also turned to realize that a pirate had come relaying a dinner invitation from the captain, to which he simply shook his head before turning his attention back to the raven. Othos was completely uninterested in missing the coming storm for a dinner, even if it was likely all his companions would be attending. Though he was not the only one who had to make this choice here...


"Anemone, would you be interested in having dinner?" he called out the the nearby genasi.


Kowolj meanwhile had not moved from the place he stood. He stared at the pirate walking toward him, seeing his intent to speak with him before he had even spoken. His stare was filled with hate, and he could see the man's will falter under the wemic's intense gaze.The invitation to dinner seemed almost mocking to Kowolj, but nonetheless he was extremely hungry at the moment. By the time he had made it to the dinner he was shaking from containing his fury, though it was also possible the pain from the myriad of projectiles in his chest could have attributed to the shaking as well. He threw out a chair and sat himself down in it's place; still the same height sitting on the ground as the others in their chairs, save perhaps the squid-faced wizard.




Haxxon had returned inside shortly after his new allies departure, preparing for his own. It was rather simple: he simply retrieved his polearm before moving high into the Hollow Mountain to his roost room. The roost contained but one creature, a wyvern, intended to be his mount through this rough mountainous region. It hadn't taken too long to teach this stupid lizard that Haxxon has far stronger than he, thus placing him a subservient position to the orc. The dark grey lizard stood at 15 ft from head to tail, resembling a dragon besides a lack of fore legs other than it's wings, and stinger at the end of it's tail. The ride to this haunted castle didn't seem to take a very long time, though his perception of the time it took was likely skewed by the enjoyment he had taken in the trip. He greatly enjoyed a high vantage point from which to view his surroundings; even though he may only have one eye his Eyepatch, blessed by Gruumsh, offered him magically enhanced sight, making up for his sacrifice greatly. Often he enjoyed hunting for lone travelers in the mountains, and would have done so now had he not been purposefully travelling anywhere. He touched down in the courtyard and walked through the large open door just in time to witness what he did not know was a rather strange reunion.


"Just how many deadly little woman are there around here?!"

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Ravenna sunk into the broad armed seat as she listened to Ginafae, or rather Quarylene explain her rebirth and apparent fresh start at the whim of the spider queen. So Lolth had cursed Ginafae for death then? Or perhaps the former Blackguard had sinned against her now resented goddess.


Tapping a clawed nail against the arm of her throne as she rested her cheek upon the wrist of her other hand, she silently studied the Drow as she paced the room desperately as she explained her situation... She needed a coffin, and if Ravenna granted her this haven, her servitude to be called upon whenever the devil deemed? No, no this was not the true reason for seeking out the Queen Consort of the Hells.


When Sefris interjected and showed her clear dissatisfaction with the situation, Ravenna gazed at the Fey'ri with a movement of her eyes only, keeping her features facing the Drow still. "Perhaps you have forgotten my nature prior to the ascension of my station, Sefris? The Undead were my only companions for hundreds of years before I met you my dear, I know full well what it is I am dealing with here. She will not betray me, for if your memory has failed you yet again Sefris, a compact made with a Devil is not so lightly broken. I welcome any to betray an Imp like little Gheni here, but to betray one who sits beside Asmodeus? Surely none would be so foolish." She returned her icy gaze back to the Drow as she said those words, a strange contradiction of a gaze considering that her eyes burnt brightly.


"A test you say my sweet demon? Why then, let it be a test of humility. Quarylene, your directness is inspiring, yet your hiding of what you truly wish insulting. Seek not to hide anything that you wish to spring upon me later, I dislike pent up requests, and I dislike being treated a fool- Do you expect me to play along to your little game? You did not seek the Queen of the Nine Hells to ask her if you could stay in a coffin! Unless my memory fails me, I made no inclination as to my nature including the act of innkeeping. If your desire to seek me out Quarylene, it was not for a coffin. You like all others seek to make a deal do you not? And that deal is most certainly not a resting place for an eternity of favours, unless of course cleaning the floors of this Castle is to your tastes." Ravenna kept an expression of stone even as the intensity of her voice rose.


"I have a test for you then- Rephrase your request... Was it, Quarylene, to spend eternity bound at my side doing odd favours, in return of a casket? Or was it to join my court in an attempt to strengthen my liking for you, and gain that which you truly desire? So tell me, and tell me on your knees, what did you ask of me?" She leant her body forward to look down at the pacing Vampiress, her hands still clutching the stone of her seat.


She caught a glimpse of Haxxon and gave him a small nod, gesturing to the Vampiress with a subtle movement of her head- If Quarylene would not bow, Haxxon could certainly make her.

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