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Tales of Faerun


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Shalena shook her head at how suspiciously some of the adventurers reacted. "If I wanted you dead I wouldn't concern myself whether you were hungry or not." She said as she looked at everyone but no one in particular. "So please, sit and eat."
Nawen stepped inside the cabin and looked around. It certainly looked better than the rest of the ship. A bunch of papers and strange looking devices were thrown into the open chest by the bed, two expensive looking drawers were placed against the walls of the cabin. The drow also noticed several chests which most likely contained something the captain deemed valuable as all of them were locked.

She sat at the table and glanced at the food. Everything smelled so good. Hesitantly she took a slice of ham with mashed potatoes and vegetables and started down at the food as if trying to find traces of poison, if the half-elf pirate really wanted to poison them.

"Nothing is poisoned, sweet thing." Shalena said as she noticed how suspiciously the drow looked at the food. To confirm the truth behind her words she took a slice of the same ham and ate it. "See?" The pirate said once she was done chewing.


Nawen sighed in relief and started eating. She was starving, and most likely she wasn't the only one.

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Rhaine sighed and sat across from the pirate captain, noticing they were both bookends for the rest of the table - and both red-headed half elven women were on completely opposite sides of the law. As the Doomguide seated herself, she made note of Nawen's persistent good health. Her own amulet would flare with light if it detected poison in her system; after hesitantly sampling the food, it remained unchanged.


Sighing again, she motioned for the others to seat themselves, focusing her attention on Shalena, "You are gracious to accept our company at your table. Pray tell, what warranted such a gesture?"


Rhaine was eager to learn why the pirate captain was now treating them so. It would be interesting to hear what she had to say...if it was merely to feed them or to actually get to know them better.




Quarylene's face betrayed no emotion, but her mind was whirling with thoughts. The drow were trained from childhood to wheel and deal with each other and the creatures of the Lower Planes, and Matron Mothers in particular were no strangers to lies and intrigue: the best weapons for survival. This, however, was a situation that few drow, if any, had found themselves. She would have to be careful and word her sentiments as clearly as possible...and without any loopholes.


A daunting task to say the least. Her fists were kept close to her daggers, in case anyone tried anything.


Then, raising a white eyebrow at the orc, Quarylene hissed, "Females are superior in every aspect to males of any race, brute. The sooner you learn that, the better."


Whirling on Sefris, she added, "And you, demonling...were you tested for your own loyalty, hmmm? I sincerely believe not. But do you honestly think Ravenna trusts you any more than anyone else in this room?"


Returning her attention to Ravenna, the drow offered a wry smile, "Surely you know that a Matron Mother bows to no-one, devil-queen? If you recall, I never said anything about serving under you, beneath you, or in any way or fashion subservient to you," her words were pointed and emphasized with an authoritative tone, "I said that I would remain by your side."


She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, crossing her arms, "As for the conditions, allow me to elaborate, then. You wish to know everything up front? Fine. It was no lie when I said that I required a coffin. I do. But I also wish your aid in causing the Spider Queen as much grief as possible. My existence as a vampire is indeed punishment...for what reason is only known to Lolth herself. But I will have vengeance for such treachery, with or without you. Should you decide to aid me in this manner, I wish that anything and everything done to this end, directly or indirectly, shall cause no harm, damage, or otherwise negative affects to myself or my casket whatsoever. I, in return, shall be your comrade in battle and anywhere else you require me, but never in a position any lower in station than that of your darling apprentice, here."


Quarlyene cocked her head at Ravenna curiously, "Are we clear? Because if not, I can take my skills elsewhere..."

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Ravenna clapped thrice, it was a slow, exaggerated and awfully sarcastic clap, each booming around the chamber before they were dwarfed by the next. A smile had formed upon the Devil Queen's lips as she took in Quarylene's words, the little show had proven to be just as Ravenna expected. If Quarylene had indeed bowed, then it would have been quite likely that Ravenna would have set the vampire alight in disappointment for her weakness. She had asked not for complete and utter blind obedience in any of her following, it was a sign of weakness, a sign of fear- She wished for respect and control, not silence and relinquishment of their free will. She required recognition of her leadership and acceptance of her will when regarding her own plans, being bound to her throne and grovelling for life was not how she wished her inner circle.


She would not allow the former Matron Mother any leverage over her however... this deal was in Ravenna's hands, she would allow any illusion it sat otherwise. "Touché my dear Vampiress, Your argument was certainly compelling, and your terms acceptable. However you may have forgotten but one tiny, little detail. You are not a Matron Mother any longer, you are not Ginafae. No, you, you are a cursed monster created by Lolth as an insult to that which you once were. There is not a single card of authority you can play here in my court. I hold the King, the Queen, the Jack and the Ace. You on the other hand do not even possess a pawn. Gone are the days when your name carried weight and your gaze held fear, Lolth has seen to that has she not?" Ravenna laughed as she reclined back into her throne once more, her words holding true the authority she possessed over the halls they stood in.


"You need me, Quarylene, for whom else would be deranged enough to make an enemy of the spider queen? You wish to see her snubbed? Her plans ruined, her word broken and the webs of her power cut one by one until she regrets the day she toyed with you? Then ask me, Quarylene, ask me if you may join my court, and you shall receive your terms and much more... If you can know that it is my word that can grant you this, in return for your acceptance that yours holds no power any longer." Before she allowed any one else to speak, she continued.


"In my domain none are equal, for you are all beneath me. Yet in this you may find power and luxury. And most importantly, your wishes fulfilled. To stand at the side of any Queen is to accept their power above your own. I wish not your mindless obedience, your knee to the ground, I require not your thoughts be restrained until I deem them freedom. I am no slaver, I am simply the key you require. Sefris accepted her position in my hierarchy as my right hand, will you perhaps become my left? "

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Ravenna's reminder of Ginafae's...Quarylene's...lost station stung. Badly. She hissed audibly, as if wounded. Unfortunately for her, Lolth had not wiped her memories, and so she fully recalled everything about her old life, and now she was powerless and forever unable to get it back. Ravenna's words were true, and the truth hurt.


A lot.


But she would swallow that pride. For she indeed had the key to her desires sitting right there in front of her, and she would be damned if she would give up this opportunity.


"Very well," Quarylene finally replied, "Will you accept me into the ranks of your court, devil-queen?"

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"I suggest you watch your tongue, should you wish to keep it, you ignorant filth." The fey'ri hissed at the vampire when she heard her reply, taking another step towards her. After a long glare aimed in Quarylene's direction, the half-demoness scoffed and turn her back on the vampire, walking away in a don't-know-you-don't-care kind of an attitude.


Fine. Ravenna can do what she wishes, why wouldn't she take a vampire servant after having an army of filthy orcs? Gods. So she'll let the witch have her new shiny toy, but the sorceress herself would behead that little b&@*$ should she try to do something that doesn't suit her.




Avira cawed at the genasi who offered her a hand, pretending to be offended by turned her back on him.


Anemone turned once she heard Othos' voice, not having noticed him before. She held her hand on her hat, since the wind was threatening to blow it away as she stood up, walking over to the other genasi and the raven.


"Seeing how she hasn't plucked your eyes out, I take it she likes you." Ane said as she petted Avira, to which the raven replied by biting the genasi's fingers lightly. The woman smiled and shooed the raven who only cawed at her, remaining on her place.


"Dinner?" she asked, looking at the pirate who came to bring the invitations. "Would you tell the captain I will pass, please? It is a rare opportunity for me to be on a ship when a storm is coming."


Anemone watched the pirate leave to bring the news to the captain, looking back at Othos once he was gone.


"You are here to enjoy the storm as well, I pressume?" the genasi asked with a smile, leaning against the railing, much to Avira's displeasure.

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Shalena watched the Doomguide as she sat across from her. It was a custom of sorts among pirates that only captain can sit across the table from another captain in the ship and Rhaine was no ship captain, she wasn't even a pirate. Shalena, however disregarded that for the sake of a peaceful conversation and she was known to change customs to her own liking.


"I want to know more about this quest of yours." She said plainly. "If I'm putting myself and my entire crew at risk, I need to know more."

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At Xallistine's insistence, Tannin shrugged before continuing on about the blade. "Well... Supposedly it's an ancient entity that's trapped inside, older than most of the gods even. Even Bhaal himself was unable to kill it, so instead he sealed it inside a blade and it became a favorite weapon of his...... If you believe that sort of thing. Personally I just think it's a powerful sword that's too smart for it's own good." He said with a laugh.



Azuris didn't eat anything, He simply sat at the table with his arms crossed, keeping an intense watch on their host.



Hexol looked around for a fork to use, as all of the eating utensils that should have been nearby had all somehow vanished. (Though anyone who had been watching would have seen the Kender take them all and stuff them into his pockets.)

He reached into his pack that he had placed on the floor and dug through it until he pulled out an ancient looking fork. "Hehe! Been looking for you!" He said as he held it up and climbed back into his chair. He pointed the fork at the food on the table then smiled. "It's all good!" He said happily before digging in.

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Kyran made his way towards the cabin like everyone else. With the intent of speaking with Rhaine, he made sure to sit next to her on the table; placed the leather sack, holding the remains of his closest friend next to his chair, on the ground. The Doomguide was busy chatting with the captain of the ship. Not wanting to interrupt her, the eladrin took his time and poured himself some ale, grabbed some food and waited for Rhaine to finnish. Only when Rhaine's eyes randomly looked in his direction he made a small gesture to hopefully grasp her attention once she was free.

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The moment everyone around him had confirmed the food wasn't poisoned Kowolj stuffed all the ham on his plate into his mouth, not bothering to make use of the utensils provided. It was delicious but the portions weren't really to his liking, and the only thing on the plate he wanted to eat was the ham. He looked around and noticed the squid-wizard wasn't eating, which seemed like such a waste.


"Hey tentacles! Float that ham on your plate over here," he said loudly across the table while pointing both hands at his mouth, finishing by opening his mouth wide and continuing to point at his mouth.

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"Hmm, I have heard of entities being trapped within steel before, although not quite a creature such as this one should these legends hold true... Interesting that you were to acquire such a thing. It's properties are similar to the relatively unknown demon known as a Caligrosto, sadistic entities that take the form of a weapon so they may inflict pain. Yet there is no demon here. A dangerous item to play with Tannin, but I trust you can control it." Xallistine was quite pleased he had this talk with Tannin, his interest was quelled... for now that is.


When the Wemic called to Xallistine in a less than polite manner the Ulitharid looked his way with his brow raised. After hearing the ravenous creatures request he sighed and picked up the meat that sat on his plate, moving it telepathically over to the manned beast and dropping it into his wide maw.


Seraphine continued to watch the pirate captain cautiously, surprised the food was not laced with poison she still did not consume any. One she did not need to, her celestial state of being ensured that much, and two she still was not convinced that there was nothing wrong with the meal. "I offer my thanks for this gesture, captain, but my kind do not require food for sustenance."


"More for the Wemic then." Xallistine remarked and proceeded to move the ham from Seraphine's plate over to the feline as well.




Ravenna smirked as Quarylene winced at her words, knowing that she had plunged the dagger deep and re-opened the rather fresh wound that plagued the Vampiress so. She was about to open her mouth to speak when Sefris started her little performance. She was quite certain after the Fey'ri's initial warning she would spin around and tear the Vampires head from her body, yet instead she stormed away with the fires of hell burning in her eyes and the strength of giants in her heeled step.


Turning her gaze back to Quarylene Ravenna cocked her head with a fanged grin "I shall." With that she arose from her seat of power and proceeded to walk slowly down the staircase. "I shall be finding you a coffin and something far better to wear... that doesn't quite cut it for one of my court. And be warned, vampire, Sefris is not to be underestimated nor her threats taken lightly- She has killed for far less and I am not her keeper, my advice would be to keep your distance and avoid any antagonization... I'd prefer it if you both tear apart my foes."


Looking to the Orcish king as she passed she said "I would appreciate if you would lend your talents in clearing these halls of anything that may still reside within, it is doubtful that anything still does, but I feel you deserve a little bloodshed after having to witness Sefris tear apart your prisoners."


Ravenna veered off the the right and up the stairs, gesturing for the Drow to follow her.

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